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Three Back To Back Assaults In The Flatbush Area

Three back to back assaults end with an arrest through the keen eyes of members of the Flatbush Shomrim. At about 9:30AM this morning a Rebbe at a local Flatbush Yeshiva was walking to work on Bay Avenue off  Avenue M when a male approached him demanding money. When his demands didn’t come fast enough and with resistance the perpetrator knocked the rebbe to the ground giving him several blows to his face. The rebbe was transported to the hospital.

The Administration at the yeshiva immediately called the Flatbush Shomrim hotline and 911. Minutes later another call came through 911 of a girl being assaulted just blocks away from the first assault.

During a half hour long canvass by the Flatbush Shomrim and officers of the 70th Precinct, a third call comes over on Avenue J & East 16th street of a lady being robbed of her wallet and assaulted.

A member of the Flatbush Shomrim observed a male on on Avenue K and East 16th street hiding between two cars and looking through a wallet. The member immediately notified a passing patrol car from the 70th Precinct. After being identified as the perpetrator of the third assault he was arrested.

Police are now trying to tie this perpetrator in with the two previous robberies and assaults, and the first victim is in the process of making an ID on him.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. Seems to be an increase in crimes of all kinds during the past several weeks. This may be a result of the Mayor’s downsizing of the NYPD.

  2. Yes VOLVIE,
    We are in Galus. But instead of krechtzing on a blog these guys are out there doing something about the situation! I applaud them and think we all have an obligation to support them financially when they ask for money. We owe a big Hakaras Hatov to shomrim for keeping the streets safer.

  3. People should carry Mace if they are vulnerable or in a dangerous place. It’s legal (I’m pretty sure) and it’s non-lethal. It will stop almost anyone in their tracks.

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