Indyk Warns of Jerusalem’s Ongoing Defiance of the White House

Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk has issued a warning that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s continued insistence on defying White House policy decisions may have dire consequences. In his comments made on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio), the former ambassador accuses the prime minister of preferring a nationalist government over Israel’s standing with the United States.

It should be pointed out that the former ambassador, who is a Jew, adopted a left-of-center policy during his tenure as well, and his latest comments are in line with his political vision regarding American Israeli relations. He also calls upon Israel to recognize Palestinian rights in Jerusalem.

Quoted in the New York Times under the headline “When your best friend gets angry”, Indyk stated the prime minister must indeed choose between the White House and the right-wing faction of his coalition.

One MK who has responded in Yaakov Katz, of the Ichud HaLeumi opposition party, stated it is the United States that is responsible for Jews like Indyk, who prefers satisfying his “masters” and towards achieving this goal, is willing to see Israel on the “sacrificial alter”. He added, “We survived Pharaoh and we will survive Indyk too”.

Not sparing his anti-Israel criticism, Indyk also slammed the prime minister for not attending the recent Washington nuclear summit and supporting President Barak Obama regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. It is not Israel that is defying the U.S., but rather the U.S. that is making totally unreasonable demands upon Isarel. The picture used to accompany this article only strengthens the notion that Prime Minister Netanyahu is the problem. We who read Yeshiva World log on because we are looking for a site that defends emes. This picture reinforces sheker– the growing canard that Israel and its leader are hostile, bellicose and uncooperative. Please, editors, remove the picture or substitute a more kavoddik one!

  2. Thank you Barry for hastening the coming of Moshiach!

    No sane thinking person would have ever thought that the U.S-Israel relationship would look like this.

    It’s quickly coming to the point when people will be crying “Ein Lonu Al Mi LeHeSho’ain Elo Al Aveenu SheBashomayim”…

  3. I guess Rav Pam, ZT”L, was right. –Before Moshiach comes, Am Yisroel will realize that we can depend on no nation at all.(the new Hagada with Rav pam’s commentery, quoted by editor Grylak in this week’s Mishpacha magazine)

    We must look only to HaShem for our salvation.


  5. The handwriting is on the wall. We are losing basic, fundamental US support, at the level of goyim, at the level of the American Jewish community, and at the political level.

    Calling everybody a turkey might make us feel good, but what are we going to do now? We cannot push back against Iran alone, we don’t have a veto in the UN. Should we just hope that a new administration more friendly to us comes in? That’s a dream. America has turned just a tad against us and towards themselves as the country has failed to defeat the Moslems.

    Maybe we need to get smart.

  6. Indyk is just another kapo “jew” trying to save his behind, he is no different from any other anti-zionist charedi that embraces the thought of replacing Israel with palestine.

  7. To# 7 Are you an aveich man for real, or it just a nick for the net? because if you are, you need to rethink, if you are really learning Torah, or just warming a seat and waiting for a paycheck, because Our EMUNAH and OUR KOACH comes from HASHEM, if you haven’t learned that, you are wasting your time at Kollel. If you knew your Torah as well as you know current events, you will be smart enough not write the stupid things that you wrote.

  8. Uzi, hacol bidei shamayim chutz mi tzinim upachim.

    A Jew is prohibited from jumping out a window because he has emunah.

    Israel is incapable of going undefended diplomatically, militarily and politically without the support of the major Western countries. Even in Masada if they could have made peace with the Romans and gotten back three quarters of Israel they would have.

    We do have an opportunity here. Our opportunity is instead of spitting in everyone’s face to offer our own plan that guarantees us the vital security we need.

    If we were pushing for vital security instead of some Mesianic dream of owning Salah-Eh-Din street, which no Jew ever walks down any day of the year anyway, we would have some real traction.

    If you live in the US you can think about my ideas in all your free time when you’re riding around in your nice American car in nice safe America. I live in Jerusalem. My family and I are exposed to risk and I want to be safe more than I want to fulfill some Zionist in America’s dreams.

  9. Indyk as i know is the definition of a “turkey” that is what this indyk represents.Israel shall and will continued insistence on defying White House we are not part of this american moslem country and B’H not part of the obamas dream and slution

  10. To# 12,
    I also live here in Israel, and I’m also exposed to the dangers and risks, I do walk around where ever I want, even in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood. This is our land, I live a life of Torah and mitzvot, and one of the mitzvot is to settle the land, unfortunally, many Jews have this galut mentality that the Jews must summit to the dominion of others in other not to rock the boat. I believe that that’s wrong and is time for the Jew to stand up and to put his trust in HaShem and not in men, and to do the Will of HaShem and not of men. Is time to show a strong Jew than a shmeky Jew that walks with his head down. Rabbi Kahane was right, the only way to have peace is to get rid of the arabs as per the Torah.

  11. Uzi, that’s so sweet about walking with your head up and all that.

    The only thing is I do not trust you to guarantee me and my family our safety.

    But just one question: there’s no commandment to kick all the Arabs out. Not yet. Unless galus is over; I didn’t hear about Mashiach coming yet.

  12. averich man, you have a big problem in your hands, YOU DO NOT TRUST IN HASHEM!!, you seems to put your trust in men, I don’t have to guarantee your safety, that’s not my job!! also, you spend way too much time learning gemara, shulchan aruch, ect… but you know very little of Torah, that’s the chumash, see, if you knew your Torah as good as you know your blatt of gemarah, you will see that you are wrong in your assessment of the mitzvot in the Torah, you should read the books of Rav Kahane, z”l. and be proud of being Jewish.

  13. If you don’t have to guarantee my safety then why do you urge me to take big risks?

    You want all the fun of showing off how much bitachon you have without any of the responsibility if you make any boo-boos. Maybe you should consider a job on Wall Street.

  14. Averich, since when believing in HaShem is taking big risk?? I never said to you to jump from a plane without parachute, did I? you are a man of little faith, you should reconsider moving back to the US, where you can feel safer for you and your family, since living in Israel is too dangerous for you.

  15. averich man, I think you should build a bunker or have a miklat near your apartment “just in case” the Iranians attack, or “mabe world war 3 is coming.” You have a very pacifist attitude which contributed to the destruction of world war #2 (Chaberlain sacrificed Checkslovakia to hitler yimach shmoes, which increased his appetite for more.) The more the Israel agrees to give up, the more the demand for more. I live in Jerusalem and sleep just as relaxed and calmly as anyone in the U.S. of A. Even if Israel agrees to ALL of Obama’s mishgasen and ideas, he has no control at all over Iran and won’t EVER attack Iran unless he is personally attacked. Of course he will pay his lip service to Israel that America will always stand by them etc, etc. he could’nt care less if Israel gets nuked or anything like that. If Israel would be smart they would demand that THEY would’nt return to negotiations unless there is a “long term” quiet from the arabs without rockets flying in sederot or attacks near the security fence etc. Unfortounley from past experiene I have seen that bibi buckles under pressure, it’s not a matter of “if” only “when”. Even though I’m not a Satmar chossid (not even close!) but I can’t help but see his far reaching vision that everything conquered in ’67 will have to be returned. At the time everyone thought that what he said was absurd. But alas it is coming to pass in our days, from the time that begin gave back Yamit and the oil fields of sinai to giving back Gush Katif. Next: East Jerusalem. Begin and Sharon were right-wing all the way, Sharon was the “father” of the settelments but G-d had other plans. No groveling to the president of the united states will save you if Hashem decrees otherwise (chas vashalom) and vice versa Obama can’t do a THING, no matter what Israel says or does if it is so the will of Hashem.

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