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Suspect Arrested In North Hollywood Shul Shooting

Police arrested a suspect Thursday in a shooting at a North Hollywood synagogue last year that left two people wounded.

Christopher Littlejohn, 37, was arrested by Beverly Hills SWAT officers without incident. He is being held on $2-million bail.

Littlejohn is believed responsible for the Oct. 29 shooting of two congregants in the underground garage of Adat Yeshurun Valley Sephardic Synagogue. The two men injured in the attack were Maor Ben-Nissan, 37, and Allen Lasry, 38, who were both shot in the leg.

Although there was initial concern that the shooting was a hate crime, police quickly ruled that out.

Sources familiar with the case said Ben-Nissan was generally uncooperative with investigators, who began to suspect that he was the target of the attack. The sources said they believe he had business dealings with men connected to Israeli organized crime.

Investigators deduced that Lasry was simply an innocent bystander who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The sources said the gunman was believed to be connected to Israeli crime figures in L.A. and Las Vegas.

Such non-fatal shootings have been part of the Israeli crime scene for some time, sources said. A similar shooting occurred a year ago in another part of the San Fernando Valley, where a man was shot in the leg.

The shootings occurred about 6:20 a.m. as Shacharis was underway at the Shul, a small congregation on a quiet residential street. A security camera captured images of the hooded assailant before he fled the scene.

Last year on a visit to Israel, LAPD Deputy Chief Michael Downing said the attack was being investigated as an organized crime-related incident.

“The two victims had been knee-capped,” he said during a police conference covered by the Israeli media. “They were targeted as part of a stern warning linked to a criminal organization.”

(Source: LA Times / YWN BBRY GROUP 3 / YWN-MD03)

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