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Gedoley Yisroel sign historic letter


Maran Hagoen Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita and Maran Hagoen Rav A.L. Shteinman Shlita, have signed a historically unprecedented letter to U.S. President George Bush, calling for the release of Jonathan Pollard. (Click on images to ENLARGE them.) [Please read extended article.]

It is reportedly the first time in modern history that Gedoley Yisroel of this stature have ever addressed a foreign head of state about any matter.

p4.jpgThe letter was relayed to Jeremy Katz, Special Assistant to the President and Liaison to the Jewish community, and others in the White House. Copies of the letter, written in both Hebrew and English, were also sent to various Jewish communal leaders and activists.

The joint letter to the U.S. President was the initiative of Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel. Lerner, who has visited Pollard many times in his prison cell in North Carolina, met of late with leading Torah sages in Israel and asked for their involvement in securing his release. Another rabbi who has taken great active interest in the case, and whom Pollard considers his personal rabbi, is the Rishon LeTzion, former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu of Jerusalem.

p1.jpgRabbi Lerner discussed with Rav Shteinman and Rav Elyashiv the special elements of the Pollard case, over and beyond its being a supreme Torah value of Pidyon Shevuyim. Mentioned were Pollard’s self-sacrifice on behalf of the security of the Jewish People, the disproportionate nature of the sentence, the failure of the Israeli Government to act on his behalf, Pollard’s failing health, the positions taken by former CIA head James Woolsey and Dennis Ross [see below], and more.

Rabbi Lerner stresses that both Rav Elyashiv and Rav Steinman are very aware of the details of the Pollard case and that their close and trusted confidants did thorough research on their own and were well prepared for the conversations that led to the issuance of the letter.

Pollard, who comes from a traditional Jewish background, has done teshuvah in prison. While prison authorities put him to work every day, he has volunteered for degrading tasks such as cleaning lavatories and washrooms to avoid chillul Shabbos. He has expressed remorse for his actions and has said that when he is released he will come to Israel where his wife, Esther, is waiting for him along with many friends and supporters.

pollard-ad1.jpgJust recently (as reported HERE on YW) the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudath Israel issued a kol koreh, signed by the Nesius Presidium and some ninety roshei yeshivos, dayanim and rebbeim, asking concerned Jews to do whatever they possibly could, to help free Pollard. Simultaneously, a campaign was developed, asking people to call the White House switchboard between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m . (EST) at 202-456-1414 between now and Pesach to request Pollard’s freedom.

Pollard has no further recourse to the American justice system after the Supreme Court last year declined to re-open his case.

His only legal recourse now is to seek executive clemency from the president, who has the constitutional power to reduce a prisoner’s sentence without actually pardoning the offense itself.

That is why the current call-in campaign is focused exclusively on the White House.

(Based on conversations with Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Arutz 7, and Mispacha Magazine)

49 Responses

  1. I hope it was explained to the White House who the signatories of the letter are, because there is no letterhead nor return address.

  2. does bush know who r’ elyasev is? & I don’t think this letter will really help bec. it’s a verey plitec thing bet. israel & america ven kan makom leharic……

  3. nameless – “what’s the point” re: moshe – you know the point – some people just like to bash the gedolim – no matter what they do. typical bashing – too little, too much, too soon, too late…

    What these bashers don’t understand is that the Gedolim see things from a perspective that is different from our perspective.

    If Maran Hagoen Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita and Maran Hagoen Rav A.L. Shteinman Shlita, felt it was appropriate to do this at this time (and not sooner) who are we to question them???

  4. he he wouldn’t have been in prison he wouldn’t have been chozer bitshuva. now that he was its time for him to come out. the timing and methods of the gedolim are just as much daas torah as their opinion.

  5. Bush will NEVER let him out. When Clinton entertained the idea, he was told by all the top CIA brass that they would resign, as the message to spies would be clear that there is a way out.

    Pollard violated ALL the terms of his plea bargain, and at sentencing got up, cursed out the judge and told him that he had no authority over him to lock him up. I’ve heard this directly from people cleared to be in the courtroom. If not for his own stupidity, he would not be in jail. I will locate an article from the New Yorker magazine deep-sourced to the CIA that explains what Pollard did.

    I’ve never heard of a jail that unlocks it’s doors at night, and cleaning restrooms poses more shabbos issues than being a supervisor.

  6. I should preface this by saying that I feel a little guilty about my opinion on this, but I’m torn on the Pollard issue.

    On one hand, I feel bad that a Jew has been sitting in prison for decades. It must be unbearable for both him and his family.

    On the other hand, however, I feel like it’s America’s prerogative to determine how it sentences those who are found guilty of espionage against it. I don’t think Israel, or any other country for that matter, would appreciate if someone had an alternative opinion as to how long those guilty of spying against it should be jailed.

    When Israel kidnapped and detained Vanunu, for example (whom was released in 2004), I think we all know what their attitude was to those who thought he should go free earlier (anti-war types etc.).

    Ultimately, this is a matter that will be determined in the political backrooms of Israel and the US, and I don’t think that a letter from any Rabbi is going to influence the matter, but this is just my 2 cents.

  7. IMO-Without being pessimistic nor optimistic-just being realistic-why should Bush adhere to such a plea?There is no political gain here besides receiving thank you letters from many people and organizations accross the globe-which in the big picture doesn’t mean much.
    Pardoning him at the end of his term will not make him a greater president-amongst the majority of the population or other countries, nor win him the Nobel Prize for that matter.
    I do pray to God though that he is freed shortly and commend the people involved on working for his release.May their efforts be successful.

  8. I’m surprised by how short the letter is. I guess since the president knows all the details already no need for background. Kurtz un sharf.

  9. I agree and love you all. You are my brothers – and dare I say – sisters…

    May we only know peace and harmony… Please pass the dandelions…

  10. Abi
    why are you being so pessimistic? Lets take the ‘flip’ side here. What would Bush gain by leaving his Presidency WITHOUT pardoning him? He has beensympatheticto Israel during his reign of 8 years, wouldnt history look at him admirably if he would end his final term with decency and

  11. Pollard got into the trouble hes in because after commiting the crime, before, during,and after the trial he opened his big mouth in the media declaring how happy he was to do what he did.

    Nevertheless, he was punished worse than Russian and Chinese spies, when they were spying for an enemy while Pollard spied for a supposed friend. He was punished so severely since he is a Jew. And getting him released is pidyon shvuim.

  12. Can someone tell me why all of a sudden the frume are so into Pollard? For years, not a peep. Vi amol, phone calls, letters, the works. Someone has got to be pulling some strings. But who?

  13. Moshe Fox: Excuse me for being so blunt but you ought to recheck your emunas chachamim. I know someone who was by R Elyashiv not too long ago when an unnamed person went to speak to him about Pollard. R Elyashiv was well versed in the case and based on a very acute understanding of American- Israeli politics, paskened at the time, that we should not speak out against the current American policy with regards to Pollard. He also added that this did not constitute Pidyon Shivuyin. Although I am privy to his reasoning, I will not share it here on the internet for fear that it might be misconstrued. I do not know what made him change his mind. My guess would be that it has to do with the fact that major American intelligence personnel have come out recently and stated that even they feel his sentence is excessive and 22 years is more than enough. This has created a platform for us to voice our concerns since they are now routed in non Jewish government officials’ opinions as well.
    Even without my vague explanation, try to do some teshuva. We should never underestimate our Gedolim and definitely not hurl negative aspersions upon them (pathetic etc.).

  14. For the record, this is not the first intervention of Gedolim on behalf of Pollard, nor is it the first time they have issued a call for action. The Pollard website will give you a good perpective of this.

    It appears to me that the Rabbonim’s efforts started what you would call “late” because for many years his sentence fell within reasonable limits. In addition, there was a need for him to accept that wjhat he did was wrong and that he issue an apology. Until those two matters were addressed, it would have been irresponsible to pressure for his release — there are guidlines in Shulchan Aruch for when even actual mesirah is allowed.

    Jews in America do not have dual loyalties. As citizens of this Malchus Shel Chessed, we are bound by its laws. Trying to get a spy released simply because he was spying for Israel is tantamount to saying that it was okay, and we accept such behavior. We do not.

  15. YW prides itself in not writing Loshon Hora. Moshe Fox’s comments in my opinion MIGHT be more harmful than loshon hora. To talk against Gedolim is blasphemous against H-Shem Himself. Besides, it shows Moshe Fox’s shallowness at thinking that he knows what is going on in the minds of gedolei yisroel who know more than he will ever.
    This is a machoh lekovod hatorah. Please remove Moshe Fox’s comments. Lets remain a torahdike yeshiva world.
    Thank you.

  16. Y.w. editor, Daas bal habayis gave you some Mussar. he asked that you remove Fox’s comments. I get the impression that “Daas Bal Habayis” has more daas then a mear Bal Habus. He sounds like a Yeshiva Man.

    Do as he says.

  17. art says:
    but isnt yeshiva world guilty of being mesaya l’dei avaira by printing these views? thousands of people are reading his words. What if even one person has a hirhur of being meharher after these talmid chachomim, wouldnt YW be guilty too by conveying these thoughts?
    We have been influenced by secular society to think that there is a freedom of speech – chas v’sholom, not in yiddeshkeit.

  18. Art, his question was not meant to find info., it was to poke holes at the gidolim. I’ve heard too much junk thrown at Gidolim, in my day, and it has to stop!

  19. There surely seems to be an extreme amount of “Ad de’lo yoda” here.

    Some of you actually think he deserves to be in prison ??!!

    Soon you’r going to tell me that the blood libels were true (“I have inside information from someone who’s cousin’s grandfathers cat had clearence to hear the real truth at the Mendel Beilus trial…”)! And even if not, they deserved to be killed in the pogroms, because they “cursed” (oy vei, thats not aidel) at the judge, and didn’t say “I’m sorry”!

    Lets all dress up this purim like Casper (Weinberger) the “friendly” ghost, who is a ben meshumad, and was the antisemitic voice from the beginning…

    Go out and buy a coffe all you “he deserved it” kooks, take a deep sniff, and if you wake up, go out and buy a history book or two.

  20. If there’s anything to be learned from the story of Purim it is that Lev Melachim Beyad Hash-m. We have no business taking political calculations into account. When a fellow yid is in trouble we must make every effort to pursue his rescue regardless of how far-fetched it may seem. As far as the success of our efforts is concerned, well, that’s controlled by the Ribbono Shel Olam. Lo olecha hamelacha ligmor v’o atta ben ben chorin l’hifater mimenah.

  21. Lets not forget that he DID commit these crimes and did endanger allbeit not directly jews living in America. There are plenty of incarcerated Jews whose motives are so blatant chilul hashem as Jonathan Pollard

  22. qsman Says:
    Pollard violated ALL the terms of his plea bargain, and at sentencing got up, cursed out the judge and told him that he had no authority over him to lock him up. I’ve heard this directly from people cleared to be in the courtroom. If not for his own stupidity, he would not be in jail. I will locate an article from the New Yorker magazine deep-sourced to the CIA that explains what Pollard did.

    You should tell this to Rav Elyashiv… While your at it, tell me that you know who killed Kennedy…
    BTW, it was the US Government that violated the plea bargain, as reported by all mainstream media, sorry if this cotradicts the info you are privy to by your secretive sources, and the wonderful left wing socialist ediotorialized New Yorker. They are as believable as Al Kuts, and Aljazeara or whatever they call themselves.

    Casper Weinberger is the one that should be rotting in jail, then you qsman can feel self rightous and go visit him, maybe he’ll be chozer biteshuva… then I’ll tell you that my friend told me he heard him curse the judge and therefore should be put to death.

    If only you had Rav Elyashiv’s ear, how just the world would be…!

  23. While Moshe Fox’s tone is waaaayy out of line, teh substance of his question is certainly on many people’s minds — and there is more than ample information to reply with. Information that makes it “ois kushya.”

  24. Justanybody:
    Thank you for your post, you hit the target and did so with brilliant humour!
    ‘CASPER’ was the ultimate point.
    ‘….was to poke holes at the Gedolim’
    Its not up to you to play ‘physcologist’ here. I was also taken aback by Mr. Fox’ comment but I asked for an explanation instead of rushing to judgement. Maybe he should just rephrase his comment but its clear that he is frustrate d and hurt by his fellow Jew’s lengthy plight. Being dan lecaf zechus is very important and I’m sure his intention was NOT to bash Gedolim but to finally see an end to this!
    Its ok to give Moshe mussar, but knowing how is very important

  25. F.Y.I. dear readers. Go to to learn about the case. There has been a clear miscarriage of justice, plain and simple. But more so, if our honored rabbanim our telling us that this is a mitzva pidyon shevuim, then what are we waiting for?

  26. If I am not mistaken, Pollard is in jail longer than any other spy in the history of the US who spied for an ally. I believe he is actually in jail twice as long as the second longest.
    Can anyone explain that ????
    (How about Chareidim Kol Yisroel )

  27. Homeboy and Dass Balhabayis:
    While I applaud your Emunas Chachomim which is IMPERATIVE FOR EVERY JEW to have, I am just wondering if you would preach the same tolerance as far as this delayif it were YOUR loved one rotting away in prison.
    Before responding, please consider this honestly!

  28. In addition to the phone calls to the White House suggested in the main article, I believe the following e-mail to [email protected] (with copies to [email protected] and [email protected]) may be helpful:

    The Honorable George W. Bush
    President of the United States

    Dear Mr. President:

    It is an honor and priviledge for me to join the two leading Biblical scholars of the Jewish people, Rabbi Y.S. Elyashiv and Rabbi A.L. Schteinman, in requesting clemency for Jonathan Pollard. I trust that the President, as a devout G-d fearing leader, will heed the call of the great Rabbis.

    In recognition of his compassion, the L-rd shall bestow His blessings upon the President.


  29. Point of information: 100 emails don’t count for much compared to one phone call. – the biggest impression in Washington is a handwritten letter sent by snail mail.

    In Washington they look at the effort taken to contact the Whitehouse, or Congress. Then they multipy it with a “kal vachomer”: If x number called in person, stayed on hold for 2 minutes to express an opinion, or sent letters, then x times that agree, but couldn’t be bothered.

    They know that emails are easy, lazy, and can be inspired by chain mails. They count, but not much.

  30. YUNGERMAN1 — You write that ” Pollard is in jail longer than any other spy in the history of the US who spied for an ally … Can anyone explain that ????”

    I haven’t checked up on that but let’s assume that it is true. I don’t have a good answer.

    All I am saying is that my personal feelings are mixed on this matter, as countries have a right to punish those who spy against it, even “allies.” The fact that he is the longest-serving prisoner may be due to anti-Semitism, the need to keep him quiet for some reason, or some other backroom deal we are not privy to.

    But let’s not kid ourselves. This isn’t someone who was wrongfully imprisoned by the Czar. He committed a crime and appears to be unremorseful about it. In addition, he dealt a blow to US-Israel relations and generated a significant Chilul Hashem. Does that mean he should sit in jail forever? Not necessarily. But it does mean that the case isn’t open-and-shut.

    I know that I am not Da’as Gedolim, so pretend this post was written a few weeks ago, when they agreed with me.

  31. i am meod bsimcha to see that the gedolim realize the matzev but i hope bush knows who he got the letter from

  32. moshe fox says when you become a gadol hador like Maran Harav Eliyashiv then you can say elu velu until then listen to the gidolim it will help you not be so bitter

  33. Apparantly Cap Weinberger who is an assimilated Jew, got an attack of conscience before his death about a year ago and admitted that Pollard’s punishment was abit too harsh!!!

    Yeah, too little too late……may he rot in gehenim!

  34. To make this simple, I’m gonna post my comments as a list:
    * Moshe Fox is right that there may be eilu v’eilu on this (see below).
    * And we ought not be zombies.
    * And we should feel the pain of another Jew.
    * But eilu v’eilu does require that someone at least in the same league of Yedias HaTorah and Shimush Talmidei Chachomim of previous generations (yes, there is mesorah, it’s not all in a book). Does he have people like that?
    * I think that my ealier response addressed that Mr. Fox misrepresented that the Torah leadership has been completely silent on this until now.
    * I also think that the pain at a Jew rotting in prison needs to be weighed again ending the mistaken message that blind defense would send — a message that may be akin to the “din rodef” applied to conterfieters. I leave it to the Gedolei Yisroel to determine. Their need for balance apparently is not to Mr. Fox’s liking.
    * I think that Mr. Fox’s comment about “bitachon” vs. “emunah,” which some may feel reflects great understanding of hashkafaic issues is actually the result of a warped perception that is antithetical to Torah thought.
    The Torah tells us “Vayaminu baHahem uv’Moshe avdo.” Ibn Ezra explains that they believed that he was Hashem’s faithful servant and messenger (similarly Unkelos tells us they believed his prohecy, i.e., taht he was a faithful servant of Hashem). We have emunah in our chachmim carrying out their shlichus; listening to them is what Hashem wants. Bitachon on the other hand…Al tivtichu b’nedivim, we have bitachon only in Hashem.

  35. nameless, I must say, I enjoy your comments, and the way you write them. You sound like a very opinionated person, one with a lot of time to be able to comment as often as you do.
    Keep it up.

  36. Homeboy:
    if you know R’ Elyashiv’s reasoning, I would like to hear it. I am at a yeshiva and my rabbi will ensure I do not misconstrue it. My email’s [email protected] And, if you are privy in his reasoning in that area, perhaps you know his reasoning behind paturing cow’s milk (R’ Herschel Schacter’s shila)? This I’m really interested in.

    Moshe Fox:
    As a rav once told me, there may be 70 faces of Judaism, but not 71. It seems to me that for somebody to be considered a gadol hador, he must be acknowledged by the other living ones as such (such as Hillel and Shammai). The gedolim of Degel haTorah, Shas, the Badatz, and Agudath Israel all acknowledge each other as gedolim. Torah demands us to have a kavod for all rabbis and kal vachomer for the gedolim!

    Good Shabbos and a Freilucher Purim!

  37. Susshow thanks for the compliment!
    I enjoy your comments as well and they really humour me!
    But the problem is, I’m not sure YOU think their funny…whatever the case, I guesse you just have to be yourself!
    about the time I have? I can pack in a day, what most people do in a week!
    Have a nice purim!

  38. Art: You made some well thought out points, even if I disagree with some of them: a) if you say that the Torah leadership has hitherto not been silent on the Pollard case, then you agree that the letter in question isn’t “historic”, b) unfortunately, yedias haTorah and shimush Talmidei chachamim are not the only criteria by which one is considered a “Gadol”, “Gaon” or even “Talmid chacham” today, and I think you’re smart enought to know that quite well. I made it clear, had you read my post carefully, that I have bitachon in talmidei chachamim of every stripe based on the criteria you mention, hashkafic differences aside (yup, elu ve’elu again). The problem seems to be that you don’t, c) “vayaminu” came in the aftermath of Kriyas Yam Suf, a clear cut revelation of Hashem via Moshe Rabbenu – we should be zoche to such great revelations b’yameinu; “al tivtechu” warns one not to replace trust in Hashem with trust in mortals, even neviim. My bitachon in chachamim doesn’t replace my bitachon in Hashem – they actually strengthen each other. As to my perception being “warped” or “antithetical to Torah thought”, I would say that in the larger scheme of Torah history it is your perception that is outside the pale, despite the tide of Charedi thinking today (no wonder so much effort is put in the Charedi velt to censoring seforim; one must rewrite history to conform to today’s hashkafa).

    Yodamace1, I think I sort of addressed your point in my paragraph above, but let me add one thing: I am not privy to who respects whom in the world of Gedolim. You and the person who made the 70, not 71 comment obviously do. In truth, people like Rav Avraham Shapira of Mercaz HaRav and Rav Hershel Schachter of Rabbenu Yitzchak Elchanan (and many others) qualify as gedolim even if they don’t meet your criteria, which seems to be membership in certain Israeli political parties. Also, current hashkafa rather than hard facts strongly influence the perception of who is or was a gadol (this is certainly true on the balebayis level if not on the Gedolim level). For example, that Rav Kook (a beloved talmid of the Netziv, for those of you interested in the “shimush talmidei chachamim” criterion) was considered a great Gadol across the board is his generation is without question. And also without question are today’s attempts in the Charedi velt to reduce his greatness or to even expunge his blessed memory from the annals of gedolim history.

    I’ll leave to others to get in their last licks. I’ve made my points, and some people have at least partially acknowledged or have respectfully agreed to disagree with them. I thank them for that. A Gut Shabbos and a Freilichin Purim to all.

  39. Moshe Fox Says:

    March 1st, 2007 at 4:51 pm
    “… But if you accuse me of feeling intense pain of a Jew rotting away in a Federal prison, then I am guilty as charged…”

    …and are you sending letters for Andrew Fastow – the enron CFO that went to jail? what about Ivan Boseky (spelling) and michael Milken when they were in jail – did you send letters? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER YIDDEN in prison – ARE YOU SENDING LETTERS??? Do you have intense pain for these yidden – or just the popular one?

  40. QSMAN — Thanks for the link. Excellent article. Seymour Hersch is a leading journalist, and is respected by both the left and right. As I have said many times re: the Pollard matter, Chavrah Chavrah Is Leh — spying for Israel does not mean that you’re not spying for America’s enemies as well.

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