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Peace Now Reconsidering Petition to Raze Heroes’ Homes

Peace Now has indicated it is reconsidering its petition demanding the demolition of homes in the Givat HaYovel neighborhood of Yishuv Eli in Shomron, including the homes of the widows and children of IDF heroes Major Ro’i Klein HY”D and Major Eliraz Peretz HY”D.

Both fell in the line of duty and both of the homes in question are among those listed in the petition, “built on Palestinian land” according to Peace Now.

A community official explained on Wednesday that despite the image painted in the mainstream media, Givat HaYovel is not an ‘outpost’ but a permanent neighborhood, one of nine in the community, built by the government. This particular neighborhood includes permanent stone homes, a mikve, a shul, kindergarten and other buildings. The government has paved roads in the community and authorized and paid for the infrastructure.

It appears that Peace Now if feeling the public pressure, according to Reshet Bet radio host Yaron Dekel, who stated that there is a growing sentiment not to destroy the homes of those who gave their lives in defense of the country.

In Eli however, officials explain that the entire neighborhood is inhabited by army families, families in which the husband is a career officer. Kobi, who heads the municipal council explained that it is ‘absurd’ to speak about saving the two homes while destroying the remainder, as if the two families are planning to remain on the hilltop while the remaining families will be compelled to leave.

As per a Supreme Court ruling, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has to decide if he is going to retroactively legalize the homes of execute the demolition orders.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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