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HAFGANOS! Eida Plans Hafganos, Asra Kadisha Planning Formidable Opposition to Barzilai Bones Decision

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is pleased with his decision to order the construction of Barzilai Hospital’s fortified emergency room on the original site, Asra Kadisha leaders are sounding the war drums, preparing for an unrelenting battle intended at preventing the transfer of the bones from that location.

The prime minister has been showered with praise for his bold decision, usurping Deputy Health Minister R’ Yaakov Litzman’s decision not to permit the construction at the original venue, a move that compels exhuming the graves located at the site. His move enjoys widespread support among lawmakers but it appears the euphoria surrounding the decision is not shared by Asra Kadisha, which appears to be preparing for a battle, to deliver tenacious opposition, determined to prevent construction that will entail the exhumation of the bones. While doctors praise the prime minister’s courage, Asra Kadisha is announcing it will not happen.

The organization is enlisting hundreds of activists, people willing to be called on a moments notice, willing to be moser nefesh to prevent construction.

Litzman last week questioned by the decision to move the hospital accepted by the previous Olmert administration is unacceptable today. He believes that today, with a chareidi deputy minister, the decision is no longer acceptable, accusing the decision-makers of discrimination, since in 2008, when Prime Minister Ehud Olmert proposed moving the construction site, it was accepted.

Litzman went on to say “I am from Polish descent, my parents survivors. On visits to Poland there are many large buildings surrounding the Jewish cemetery, buildings that are 20 or 30 stories, yet the Jewish cemetery remains untouched. We are fighting a difficult fight” he explained, now pondering why non-Jews should sit back and permit moving bones that are not Jewish, wondering just what impact this will have on remains in Poland and elsewhere.

Why here can we move the bones of goyim? Why should they remain silent? Over there (Poland), the Jews are a minority. Does anyone wish that they move the grave of a grandparent in Morocco or Poland? Of course not. That is why this is not just a matter of Jewish graves or non-Jewish graves, especially in this situation that offers an alternative solution”.

Meanwhile, Rabbonim Shlita of the Eida Chareidis on Tuesday decided a major protest rally will be held to decry the decision of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to approve construction of the new wing of Barzilai Hospital in the original location. This will demand the exhuming of bones located at the site to be re-interred elsewhere. Also in attendance was the head of Asra Kadisha, HaRav Dovid Smeidal who presented his position. The rabbonim met for about 90 minutes.

According to the information available to the rabbonim, work on the new hospital complex is set to begin within a week.

Following a meeting of the Eida Rabbonim, the decision was announced, to hold  a major protest event opposite Barzilai in Ashkelon next week.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. The underlying cause of not wanting these graves to be moved is a SIGNAL to the world, that graves (Jewish in particular) are not to be moved, destroyed, trashed in order to renovate, build, restore or pave streets and highways.
    Back to the drawing board and choose the ACE CARD, which is the only card ever available, demonstrate, rally, scream, yell, burn tires, civil disobedience, etc.. Where will this bring us to??

  2. To # 1, what’s your problem? why blame the zionist? what’s more important? saving Jewish lives or preserving the graves of some idol worshipers, that can be move to another area with all the respect that they deserve. Where were they, when the kevarim of Jew’s that lived in Gush Katif were forced out of their cementery??? Where are they, when kevarim are desecreted in Har HaZeitim??? I guess that they like to make a SHOW only when the “zionist” are involved in doing something that’s need to be done, like in the case of the Kever of Rashbi, with all the in-fighting and POWER STRUGGLE to be in command of the place, the Gov. had to step in to fix the place, because of all the mismanagment that was going on.

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