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Rav Gissinger gets proclamation from Senate

256.jpgAt the Chanukas Habayis at K’hal Zichron Yaakov in Lakewood on Sunday night, Rav Gissinger Shlita was presented by NJ State Senator & Lakewood Township Committeeman Robert Singer with a proclamation from the State Senate. (More pictures by Lakewood Shopper HERE)

15 Responses

    no one fully knows what that man has done. he is involved in chesed 24 hours a day 365 days a year literally. with a smile.
    we should all be extremely jealous of his chelek olam hobah.

  2. Rabbi Gissinger Shlita is an UNBELEIVABLE person. A MAJOR Talmid Chochom and Posek and an ISH HACHESED in the full understanding of the phrase. Totally devoted to the Klal and Prat 24/7/365. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world continues to exist because of him (and people like him).

  3. L’chvod “TheRabbi Says:….
    Please be Meayaan carefully at what I wrote.
    I wrote KISSINGER nit Gissinger.

    A freilichen Purim.
    If you have a problem with P’shat… read it again on Purim.

  4. rav gissinger is a holy jew dont mess with him as to why politics was mixed in let me explain as i was there and heard the senetor speech bob singer(R-NJ) was involved in getting the property for the shul by arranging the sale of the whole area by NJ american water to reb dov gluck who in return donated the propert to the shul and thats where he comes into the picture

  5. Just checking in as another person, albeit not so chashuv, who was priveledged to have tremendous benefit from Rabbi Gissinger Shlita. And as anyone who spent a few minutes in his study can testify, he is constantly helping numerous people in all areas of life, his phone is always ringing, while he answers one person, another is on the other line, his living room is a waiting room etc etc, it is unbelievable! I never saw a person so devoted to klal yisroel, and always with personal warmth!!

  6. Lakewoodman,
    You are correct that Rabbi G is a very holy person. I need to correct you about Dov Gluck donating the land. He simply swapped land with the shul. The Rav was going to build a shul on james street and Dov Gluck swapped parcels so that he can utilize the commercial zoning the james st lot had to build his soon to be built shopping center/business park. The lot where the shul is now is a residential lot and at most gluck could have built 2-3 houses on it.

  7. I have known Rabbi G from the time before he was a Rav and believe me he would not consider this a chutzpah…… And by the way the joke is so old it has grown mold

  8. R’ Gissinger is a true tzaddik who devotes day and night to helping others. He helped us so much in so many ways, all with a smile, quietly, and not expecting anything in return. May Hashem pay back his schar many times over!

  9. Rabbi Gissinger is indeed a big tzadik, however and even though bob singer gave him an honor, rabbi gissinger was unable to be mesader kidushin for mr singer – he married a shiktzoh!

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