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Arson Suspected in French Shul Fire

The local Jewish community suspects arson in the blaze that swept through the central shul in Milouz France on shabbos. The building went up in flames during davening, and damage is reported to be heavy, but B’chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries.

Smoke was seen bellowing out of windows of the shul at about 11:00am, fortunately an area where there were no mispalalim. Apparently, the smoke was visible to passersby but the mispalalim were unaware of the blaze.

Firefighters were summoned and someone ran into the shul, alerting mispalalim, shouting at them to get out. The shul sustained significant damage inside, and it will not be suitable for davening until renovations can be carried out.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. First the name of the city is “Mulhouse”.

    Apparently, the fire wasn’t arson but came through a faulty electrical contact (this is at least what the chief of the fire department assured).
    An official report should be coming out soon…

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