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FM Lieberman: Construction Will Continue in Yerushalayim

Speaking to Israel Radio on Tuesday morning, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated there will not be a cessation of building in either eastern or western Yerushalayim, vowing to continue building in the nation’s capital.

“I do not know of any nation in the world that would agree to halt construction in its capital. It is simply unacceptable”. He explained that accepting demands for a construction freeze in the capital is tantamount to a loss of Israeli sovereignty and the State of Israel as an independent state. “If Israel to remain like it is, we must exhibit an ability to stand firm under pressure”.

When questioned regarding demands from the United States and the international community to renew talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority), Lieberman stated “enough good-will gestures” to the PA, pointing out that such acts are not met with a positive response but with additional demands. “It is the Palestinian’s turn for good-will and make concessions. In the past year, the State of Israel has exhibited sufficient good-will and made enough concessions.”

When asked to comment on demands from the international community to return to the pre-1967 borders, Lieberman explained such a move would not bring an end to the conflict, but move the conflict to Tel Aviv and Gush Dan. “Arab MKs have stated that after a Palestinian state is declared they will seek autonomy in the Galil and the Negev”.

Regarding the deterioration of diplomatic ties between Israel and Turkey, blamed in no small part in the incident involving his deputy minister, Lieberman explained the tensions with Turkey did not begin with the Netanyahu administration. He added that the Foreign Ministry during his tenure did not create the tensions, further stating that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Jordan’s King Abdullah are “seeking to run from reality” in their demands from Israel”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Lieberman is the only minister in the government who is not afraid to stand up and do his job. Lieberman calls a spade a spade…if BIBI would do the same, Israel would have some respect, instead Bibi bows down to the administration and the world think they can say and do whatever they want to Israel. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and we must build on the eastern, western, northern and southern sides of our Holy capital.
    BTW saying we are going to build in Jerusalem but not starting any construction projects amounts to a freeze. Am Yisroel Chai!

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