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Mrs. Sara Klein: We Have a Right to Remain in Givat HaYovel

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai, Mrs. Sara Klein, the widow of Major Ro’i Klein HY”D, killed in the Second Lebanon War, explained “we in the neighborhood [Givat HaYovel in Yishuv Eli in Shomron] have made a decision not to use the fact that husbands have fallen in battle to justify our presence in the community.

Klein was referring to herself of course, as well as Major Eliraz Peretz, a neighbor, who is being laid to rest today, Sunday, also killed in battle. Both of them, along with other neighborhoods in the neighborhood in Yishuv Eli have received eviction orders, the result of Peace Now petitions to the Supreme Court, seeking to oust them from their homes, which the radical left-wing organization insists were built on Arab land.

Mrs. Klein explained “we have an inherent right to be here, to live in Eretz Yisrael and this is not connected to the fact that our husbands were killed, but because Am Yisrael is rightfully settling the land given by Hashem”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Truly the tzadekes wife of a tzadik that was moser nefesh and was killed al Kidush Hash-m.

    I STRONGLY urge everyone to acquire the DVD about Roi Klein. Beside teaching us about the life of a tzadik, it teaches a great and important lesson about NOT judging people by appearances.

    Al tistakel ba’kankan, ela b’mah she’yaish bo.

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