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Another Talmid Affiliated with ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Arrested in Yerushalayim


A Yeshiva Bochrur was arrested on Monday afternoon 17 Shevat in the Jerusalem IDF Induction Center on Rashi Street. He was taken by military police to a military prison.

It did not take long for a small impromptu protest to take place (see photos below), and in all likelihood, more significant protests will resume around Israel as was seen last week.

Their violence and attacks against police led to criminal indictments against some of those arrested.

After the talmid was detained the response was a protest. This prompted military police to act quickly and take back control over the area. The young man was taken by military police to the Anatot Base for questioning and incarceration.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman last week warned he will not tolerate violent protests as the ones seen, explaining he will begin the process to cut any and all funding to the yeshivos attended by the youths as well as canceling the draft agreement with yeshivos.

02 03 04

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The Zionists will not succeed in taking us from yeshiva. Let them draft their beloved Israeli Arabs before closing the yeshivas. The yeshivas were there before the Zionists army was created and will be there much after the Zionists experiment fails.


    Come on Mr Natanyahu, live up to your fabulous name and stop persecuting those who want to study Torah.

    MR NETANYAHU,you are the aggressor against Torah, Yeshivos and the students of Torah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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