BREAKING NEWS: House Passes Historic ObamaCare Bill; Democrats Erupt Into Cheers [UPDATED 11:30PM EST]

10:45PM EST: The House of Representatives has passed President Obama’s historic health care overhaul bill with 219 – 212 yes votes. 

Thirty-four Democrats and all Republicans voted against the legislation.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made her closing argument for passage Sunday night, saying an overhaul of health care is a proposal that honors the nation’s traditions.

“After years of debate and hearing the calls of millions of Americans, we have come to this historic moment,” Pelosi said. “It’s personal for 45,000 Americans and families who have lost their loved ones each year because they were not insured.”

“It wouldn’t be possible to talk about health care without acknowledging the great leadership of Sen. Edward Kennedy who made health care his life’s work,” Pelosi continued. “In a letter to President Obama before he passed, Sen. Kennedy wrote that access to health care was the great, unfinished business of our society – that is, until today.”

UPDATE 11:18PM EST: The House votes down the Republican motion to recommit the bill.

UPDATE 11:20PM EST: The House is voting on passage of the reconciliation bill. This is the final vote of the day on health care reform.

The reconciliation bill is the package of “fixes” to the Senate health care bill that made it more attractive to balking House Democrats.

UPDATE 11:30PM EST: The House has passed the package of fixes meant to reconcile differences between the bill the House passed last year and the Senate bill it passed earlier Sunday night.

Those votes were 220-211.

(Sources: CNN / CBS News)


70 Responses

  1. The narrative that the Republicans must focus on is clear. The Democrats overcame bipartisan opposition to pass a job killing bill in middle of the recession that ensures millions of americans will continue to lose their jobs.
    If they do so they will win 75 seats in November.

  2. The debate has actually gone on for 98 years and it is good that this has finally been accomplished. Here is what Theodore Roosevelt’s platform said during his 1912 Presidential campaign:

    “The supreme duty of the Nation is the conservation of human resources through an enlightened measure of social and industrial justice. We pledge ourselves to work unceasingly in State and Nation for:….The protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption …of a system of social insurance adapted to American use;”

  3. I am impressed that all Republicans finally voted on the right side of an issue.
    If they had done that starting 40 years ago, we never would have gotten to this point or had the recession the liberals, caused and then blamed Bush for.

    But this was just another push of America going over the cliff.

    America as free and prosperous country is over and the rest of the world is going to go with it.

    I wish I had a ship, capable of reaching another habitable planet.

  4. Chafetz Chaim;

    Two questions: First, can a reasonable person support this legislation, or are all of us who do support it merely rashoim? Second, where do you get off assuming such a logon name? Why not Moshe Abeinu?

  5. YonosanW
    The politicia ndemocrats are indeed reshaim and the signame that i was refering to the literal transation of chafetz chaim, which in case you didnt know it means “desires life” which also answers your second question,

  6. Oh no. Think of all the poor people who will be able to recieve health care now. Oy. When my grandparents moved to this lovely country, they certainly didnt do so al da’as that something as cruel and heartless as free healthcare would be established. .

  7. Yippee! Thank G-d that somebody cares about the people who need help most, those who are sick or will be sick. Torah values at their best.

    I am so grateful for this. Yes, this may cost some people their jobs come November, but this happening restores my faith in this country. It was a long time coming, but this was a great night.

    Thank you to those who fought so long and hard for this, not just now, but in the many years since it was first campaigned for by Teddy Roosevelt. Even Nixon wanted it! Funny that it’s turned into such a partisan issue.

    Anyway, back to my celebrating. Friends to call and email.

  8. Obama gonna be fine brother. We gonna get money. He gonna bail us out. Gonna be fine. mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm.
    Free money. Free insurance. Free food. mmmm mmmm mmmm

    Gd bless Obama…

    It gonna be good in America. Obama gonna be fine. mmmm mmmmm mmmm

    Absolutely sickening.

  9. I heard that ACorn will now be in charge of handling all medical appointments for hospitals, clinics and Dr’s offices. Go to the head of the line if you are dem, union, illegal or a minority. All others come back next week. Over 65 try Canada, the UK or Mexico. If you have lots of cash, we might be able to work something out though.

  10. Today America officially took a mortal wound and will slowly die unless WE the citizens arise, en masse. and force a repeal of this unwanted takeover of our freedom. Civil unrest is now required to bring the law makers into reality. This is the 3rd time in a year they have deliberately went against the vast majority. It is now time to bring this fight out of the sacred halls of our Capital into the streets and wrest control of our government back.

  11. Thanks a lot Stupak, you just costs every family in America an extra $100,000. So much for college for middle income white kids anymore. Way to go!

  12. This is the end of the Democratic party. WE THE PEOPLE will remember and those 70% that said NO to this Healthcare bill will be close to 85% when the rest of WE THE PEOPLE lose jobs because of this bill. November 2010 will be the DEMOCRATS WATERLOO WE THE PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER AND WILL HELP PUSH ALL DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE FOR THIS

  13. This marks the complete Democratic disconnect from the American people. They can never again claim to be the party “for the little guy.” Obama – the king of corrupt, backdoor politics. When the government no longer represents the will of the people, the masses become desperate with nothing to lose. Obama, when the revolution starts to depose you and Nancy and Harry, I will join the ranks of dispossessed millions to fight to regain our freedoms! The federal government no longer cares about America, the Constitution, nor the democratic process. This leads inevitably to REVOLUTION……

  14. Libs will be able to retire at 23 yrs old now. They’ll have welfare, healthcare and a home I’ll have to pay for. What a deal.

  15. And to all those votes that Pelosi and Obama bought…do you REALLY think they will keep their promise to YOU??? They got your vote, now they couldn’t care less about you!

  16. I hope there will be enough doctors to take care of patients after this health bill passes. It will be like Canada or England that every one has government insurance but it takes for ever to see the doctor and many people die before they could see the doctor.

  17. I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding you, Ferd, but was that supposed to be mocking somebody in particular? I just want to be clear, now.

  18. Great. Now we will have to go to a bureaucrat, and beg for healthcare. Get denied, and hire to lawyer to fight the government and then maybe win the right to see the doctor

    Just look at Workers Comp, VA, Medicare, Medicaid. These programs are slow, and inadequate at best.

  19. Chafetz Chaim – your position is anti-life in fact. You broach no disagreement, vilify your opponents and provide no substantive support to your name calling.

    This legislation is in fact going to save lives, and do much to bring the United States up to health care delivery standards enjoyed for decades by Europeans.

    For a summary of effects for consumers see;jsessionid=51DAE76C340BAB6C35DC1387593A32BA.w5?a=566192&f=19 – and do more than shoot the messenger – read the message.

  20. I am totally blown away by the way our constitution and the foundations of our country have been hijacked by politicians that care more for party and ideology than for the people that elected them. I wrote each and everyone of my “elected representatives”. I attended multiple tea party rallies. I signed petitions. I spoke with my family, friends, neighbors; they all felt as I did. Yet Obama, Pelosi, and Reide trumped democracy.

    Tomorrow I will become more politically active than I have been in my entire life. I hope many of you will feel the same way. We MUST take back America for the sake of our grandchildren. I witnessed how Reagan defeated Communism; I remember when the Berlin wall came down. Today I feel like all that was lost. They now have won and this country has lost.

  21. 14 is soooo right.

    Health care done…check
    Next up, housing for all..housing is a right.
    After that, food, having food is a right.

    and your username says it all.

    Obama is a F-E-R-D!

  22. This is ludicrous. A bill was just passed in which a majority of the populace said they were against. A bill that will essentially cost us over a trillion dollars. And what was the great defense? That it will save us 500 billion dollars over ten years. 500 BILLION DOLLARS! This is sheer madness.

    And, what will a trillion dollars buy us? Out of 300,000 uninsured Americans, only a small part will benefit from this healthcare coverage. This is a good idea? How is this a good idea? In what universe is this even conceived by sane, sober people?

    I hate to break it to governmental hangers-on, but the government is barely able to run the country, be it under Republican or Democratic control. And now they are going to make healthcare more efficient? They say the system is broken. Which one? Medicare or Medicaid? Both are busted BECAUSE they have been run by government. If these pestilent, self-absorbed “leaders” in DC are so great, how come they can’t repair what is already in place? Would it not make better sense to use what resources are available during a recession to repair that which is broken?

    This probably does not cross any of their minds. These are people, who when their Beamers break down, they just buy new ones. This was a haphazard, disgusting and down right contemptuous betrayal of the people and the system.

    The whole lot of them ought to be ashamed of themselves for being so egotistical and self-centered. The people said no. In cases like this the constituents should be listened to, not the President. He’s not the boss. We are the boss. The people should have been heard, but instead they were ignored.

    I have to wonder, with all these personal phone calls being made by the President, what exactly was he telling these people? What was he promising them in exchange for ignoring the requests to vote no? Maybe this is something that should be looked into.

  23. Yeah! Now I can stop paying 20% of my income to health insurance and ride the government bill. What I can’t ….oh…. What! I have to now pay 30% more tax to support this program and still pay my own health insurance. I guess I have to work an extra 10 hours a week now which will shorten my life and remove the need for extended care. Thats how this will work. Thanks Obama and Pelosi!

  24. I’m not sure what majority the House just defied, b/c all polls have shown that the MAJORITY of people want health care reform. Why? B/c most of us know it’s just a matter of time before the middle-class gets priced out of the insurance market. Do you want to live in a country where only the wealthy elite and the poor and elderly (through Medicaid and Medicare) get health care? I know I sure don’t.

  25. A sad day for US healthcare and those of us who want to keep our medical choices to ourselves without government interference. Good luck on finding medical providers who will accept all these new patients…even current Medicare participants can’t find providers and the government thinks that the same fee schedule will work.

  26. Beginning tomorrow the America Dictator wanna be will starting answering for his actions to America, all the way to the November elections.

  27. next step: ban all home-made foods because we don’t know what’s inside them. all food must be processed at a certain plant owned by frito-lay where the government knows what is inside. all humans will get a package of food at their doorstep in the morning. you must eat between 1,900 and 2,100 calories per day. if you eat more or less than that, you will go to prison for a 4.5 to 5.5 years.

  28. This is so historic. Congraulations USA. Welcome back to Civilization. Now it’s time to end the wars and work to bring peace and prosperity to the American people and the world at large. May God Bless America!

  29. YonasonW,
    only if you want to call it ClintonDidntWantOsamaOnaSilverPlatter and CarterWasSpinelessWithIranWhichGotUsIntoThisMessAgesAgo ??

  30. 43 chavamom ,

    What poll was that in? The polls I saw (across the board!) showed that 85% were happy with their health insurance and almost 60% were AGAINST this bill.

    Were there things that could have used attention? YES. But not at the expense of nationalizing healthcare which WILL happen barring a major miracle.

  31. 50 mabrookl ,

    and lets sing kumbaya altogether. you dont understand history. you dont understand this country. please go back to where you came from.

  32. It’s very good for anyone who is uninsured involuntarily (such as people who can’t get insurance since they have pre-existing medical conditions, or belong to a group that is known for having “too many” children). That is perhaps 10% of the country at most.

    That leaves 90% of the country that won’t be pleased when they end up paying more and/or receiving less.

    But it is hardly the end of the world (though if they don’t tweak it right, it may be the end of the Democratic control of the Congress)

  33. #40, I got it. See, we Jews are allowed to be racist. But G-d forbid anybody does anything, even send a corrupt rabbi to jail, and they’re anti-Semitic.


  34. i bet if the gedolim banned WABC radio for a few weeks most of you would come back to normalcy and Torah true values. And…you might realize that the vast majority of you who are so knee-jerk tea party gun-toting (make believe I hope) right wing survivalist wannabes actually belong to the masses of USA citizens who need this reform to have a hope of there being health care or, for that matter, an economy at all in a very few years. The true brilliance here is how a small number of fat cat republican right wingers intent on protecting their slab of pie have recruited all you sheeple to their cause. mass hypnotism via right wing radio, I think.

  35. now 19 million people will lose there current insurance plans to allow 32 million people who could not afford insurance until now??!!!!!!. with the expectant rise in insurance premiums many people will not be able to affrord insurance and will need to fall into the gov funded lack of quality doctors funded insurance. or if they dont qualify have to pay the penalty for not having insurance.

    we are in big trouble today. social medicne is here today.

  36. Now in this historic moment while a terrorist nation is trying to obtain nukes. A president and house speaker managed to shove one of the most important bills in the lives Americans down their throat. America just got snubbed by the person they put the most trust in,the one they voted in. Lets just hope in this historic moment, that history will have a chance to play it’s self out, and not stopped by a raving lunatic that obtained a nuke.

  37. this is sad and what is more sad that all the lib’s that wanted this won’t realize what they have done till its too late.
    Might be inline with Torah values but is it in line with how we are about to be ripped off???? too many Americans refuse to actually find out what any bills actually say.
    Late America I’m sure this is the beginning of me being out of here!!!!

  38. Being right is not always popular. In this case, however, being right is not only unpopular but IT IS THE TORAH THING TO DO!

    Stop listening to Rush and Glen and start listening to the Torah and Hashem!

  39. This is just terrible; where are our priorities? We need that money to pay for wars, not for healing sick American children whose parents can’t afford health insurance…

  40. Nothing is more fun than watching yeshivish people shoot of their mouth with the latest knowledge they gleamed from talk radio. Throw in a number here and there, some reference to a politician, and wham! you get to be the next big thing in yeshiva.

  41. The new law will entitle anyone to get insurance regardless of any pre-existing condition. So if you’re smart do as I plan on doing. Not buying health insurance at all and chas ve’shalom if it’s ever needed to buy it then. I will get fined about $1,000 for not buying the newly mandated insurance but that is a heck of a lot cheaper than the 12,000 a year I’m payimg now. Is this the right thing to do? No, but neither was the govt. right in passing this ridiculous non-sensical law.

  42. By the way next up hopefully is car insurance reform where the insurance companies can’t deny you coverage even with a pre-existing condition. So after you get in a car accident you then will buy insurance and get your car fixed. You have to admit; America really is a great country.

  43. I say to all of those who think this is the best thing to happen to the U.S. since the Revolution I say that you should be sitting shiva on American medical excellence. The Israelis are starting to get smart; the chareidim are starting to take more and more control of the Israeli judiciary so they are able to institute de facto limits on tort.

  44. To all those that think this is in concert with Torah values-You’re absolutely wrong. Evil was created so that man’s reward will not be nahama dekesufa. This bill is anti bechira, anti torah values 100%. If you are dependent on government then they start telling you what to do how to do it its terrible.

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