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VIDEOS AND PHOTOS: Day 2 of the Jerusalem Municipality Strike

6757b856-93ac-44ac-9094-7f47565142de[VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE]

Monday 3 Shevat began the second day of the Jerusalem Municipality strike as Mayor Nir Barkat alleges the Finance Ministry continues to discriminate against the capital. He claims this discrimination prevents him from properly running the city, demanding an addition NIS 200 million for 2017. Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon is willing to increase the budget by only NIS 50 million.

In response to Barkat’s allegations that the treasury is treating Jerusalem unfairly, Kahlon accuses Barkat of running the city irresponsibly and this is the root of the problem, not the size of the city’s budget.

The city planned to step-up the strike on Monday by only beginning junior high and high schools at 10:00AM and closing all afternoon daycare programs. The Finance Ministry however prevented this, taking the case to court during the night, alleging the strike is illegal. The Administrative District Court issued an injunction prohibiting involving the educational institutions in the strike as schools and afternoon daycare programs operated on schedule Monday.

City officials countered, insisting they are unable to build 3,800 new classrooms due to a lack of funds, resulting in a critical shortage of schools in the city. City official explain the city had to spend NIS 100 million this year alone to rent space for classrooms due to the lack of national funding. City officials add 85 schools do not have security guards and those working are not receiving an acceptable salary, but there is simply no additional money available.

One of the striking services is garbage collection, which is evident near Machane Yehuda. The buildup of garbage on the light rail tracks in the shul area resulted in the cancelation of light rail service on all of Jaffa Street. Hence the light rail was only running from Pisgat Ze’ev to Shar Shechem and then between Mount Herzl and the Central Bus Station.

In the accompany video, we see striking city workers using garbage trucks and other vehicles to create havoc on morning rush hour.

The accompanying photos and videos show city employees rallying at City Hall, addressed by Mayor Barkat, as well as marching in different areas, at times blocking traffic.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo Credit: קבוצת העיתונאים רוטרניק)

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