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Gerrer Chassidim Register A Victory In Arad, Albeit Temporary

1In the ongoing battle in Arad between the Gur community and City Hall, each side accusing the other of discrimination and being unreasonable. The city has instructed the chareidim to remove signs of a religious nature, signs that include “Arad children wear yarmulkes” and “In Arad we eat kosher”. Angry residents would not hear of it, accusing City Hall of anti-Semitism, taking the case to a local court.

The hearing was held two weeks ago and Justice Ruth Avida explained the decision was not an easy one, but ordered the removal of the signs.

Attorney Tzvi Rosenthal, who represents the Gerre Chassidim in Arad, decided to take it to the High Court of Justice, with the latter issuing a temporary injunction on removal of the signs. Justice Manny Mazuz accepted the petition on behalf of Gur and instructed the city to hold off removing the signs.

So for now, at least over the coming Shabbos, Gur in Arad scores a victory in the High Court against City Hall in the ongoing battle.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Yes, so proud Because that will surely encourage the non-religious to wear yarmulkes and keep kashrus…..Jerks!

  2. I don’t get it. For who did they hang the sign for? For frum people? If yes, why can the frum people eat kosher and wear kipos without sign? If for non frum, do they really think they will mekare anyone with such tactics? If anything, just the opposite, so definitely wrong move and great Hillul Hashem.

  3. #3 – this is a bit like Chad Gad Ya. This is the shul Ger stole from Chabad which is the shul Chabad stole from the city ………….

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