Kiryat Atta City Hall Issues Demolition Order To Aish Kodesh Shul

2Kiryat Atta City Hall has issued demolition orders for the Aish Kodesh Shul which was built illegally. The Krayot Magistrate Court this week issued an order which prevents razing portions of the structure which would have led to the destruction of the shul.

According to attorney Shlomi Blumenfeld, who represents the mispallalim, another hearing is set for the Krayot court in two weeks, and they are hopeful their shul will not be destroyed.

The Makve (מאקווא) Rebbe Shlita sent an emotional letter to Kiryat Atta Mayor Yaakov Peretz, asking him to spare the shul while razing portions of the structure.

Residents explain the shul was established by chief rabbis of the city on Atzmaut Street and it traces back to chassidim of Rebbe Rav Klonimus Shapira HY”D who purchased the land back in 1924. The shul was established after the Holocaust with funds contributed by a survivor, Chaya Gitel.

Rabbi Tuvia Schlesinger, a son of the former mora d’asra of Kiryat Atta HaGaon Rav Schlesinger ZT”L explains to the media in his father’s will he speaks about maintaining the shul. Rav Tuvia explains if they were taking place abroad there would be shouts but in Kiryat Atta, which has representatives of Shas and Yahadut Hatorah, they all remain silent.

In recent years, Breslov Chassidim have been using the shul and using their funds to maintain it and expand it. The city says the expansion is illegal and this led to learning the shul lacks certain papers and the city now maintains it is located illegally on public land.

He explains during the British Mandate the land was written up under the name of Agudas Chassidim as an NGO responsible for it. Over the years the members of the organization were niftar and the city decided to move in and take over the shul.

City officials explain the demolition order is for the “illegal dangerous addition and not the shul”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Google View)

One Response

  1. THOUSANDS of Arab homes are illegal and yet not one single one was ever demolished. Isn’t it high time to demolish these self-appointed-radical-leftist anti-Jewish Anti-Torah shameful judges?

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