There were stormy protests in Yerushalayim on Wednesday night the eve of 29 Kislev in a number of areas.
The protests were over the arrest of an avreich wanted by IDF authorities.
Protests took place at Kikar Shabbos, near the Russian Compound and on Strauss Street.
Protesters broke the windshield wipers and mirrors off the front of one passing bus.
It did not appear that any arrests were made at the protests.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Video & Photo Credit: הערשי פרלמוטר חדשות 24)
10 Responses
Get them a job
#1 Don’t you see it’s after working hours?
Maybe black lives matter has some employment for these thugs
Excellent חינוך
Bunch of uneducated nutjobs, I was in meah sheorim the other day and a group of tourist,who were dressed appropriately, were walking through,and someone screamed “shikse” “shikse”, where does it say in the toirah that you have to protest against women especially non Jewish ones?
What have they done wrong?
In all generations we lived between goiyim, has anyone seen our grandparents scream at a lady walking past her?
Although this protest is for a more understanding reason (army), I’m just furios at there lack of basic behaviour in line with the toirah
OK, I give up. What did the bus driver do to deserve to have his bus vandalized?
Adam mu’ad le’olam. The only way these animals can get out of some of it is if they are sh’varei tam. But even that’s not likely, since they seem to do this regularly.
So sad I feel so bad about it
Where does it say in the toirah that you have to judge the many by the actions of the few?
they are ignorant idiots who think because they dress so ‘frum’ they are G-d’s chosen people.
Take away their clothing and you have people who know nothing, have nothing and are looking only to steal money.