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Al Aksa Brigades: Shuls are now targets

dome.jpgThe terrorist organization otherwise knows as the Al Aksa Brigades” threatened to attack Shuls Wednesday, in retaliation for what it called “the damage being done to the Al Aqsa Mosque and the continued plans for “Judaizing Jerusalem.”

The “damage that’s being done” is that Israel began construction on a walkway up to the Har Habayis Tuesday to replace an old earthen ramp that had partially collapsed.

The terror gang warned that all Shuls would become legitimate targets.

Stones were thrown at Israeli Police this afternoon, and security is tight throughout Yerushalayim.

Israel is under heavy condemnation throughout the Muslim world, and are threatening another Intifada.

(When was the last one over?)

10 Responses

  1. The Mishna Berura (124:27) writes in the name of the Eliyahu Raba: “Woe to those who talk during davening, for we have seen a number of shuls destroyed because of this sin.” It’s told that eleven of the twelve shuls in Antwerp were totally destroyed during the holocaust while the twelfth one survived totally intact, and the gedolim of the time noted that that was the Yekki shul where they were careful not to allow any talking during davening.

  2. “Judaizing Jerusalem,” what chutzpah! It’s finally time to kick these killers OUT of the mosque. I don’t know why we ever let them in in the first place. These animals hate us no matter what but we have to kowtow to their wishes time and time again. For the life of me I will never understand why after they treated the Kosel as a trashcan, we didn’t evict them in ’67, and why we continue to grant them sovereignty through the Waqf. KICK THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have news for you. Shuls were always targets. It’s always the same story with the terrorists. When they get mad they say, “Now we’re really gonna do something.” It’s baloney. If they could have done it, they would have done it already. Yimach shemom.

  4. To Kishke:
    What’s baloney?
    They “COULD” have done it already, but bechasdei Hashem we were protected till now! Let us all daven that we merit to stay protected from Hakodosh Boroch Hu! We are NOT protected by anything or anyone other than from the One Above!

    You know the facts, there are places in shopping malls, restaurants and buses in Eretz Yisroel that are heavily protected, yet were not “really” protected nebach! Yet B”H – lets hope and daven for the future, that our Shuls stay protected by the same “Security Guard” that we had up until now!

  5. Envoy:

    Huh? My point is that they pretend that until now they would not have targeted shuls, but now, in response to whatever, they will. I am saying that the claim is baloney, b/c they do their utmost constantly, and would certainly have targeted shuls had they been able to beforehand as well. I don’t begin to understand your response.

  6. They showed us their strength, might, hatred and ruthlessness when they destroyed every cinder block in the SHULS left in GUSH KATIF. Shuls have and are targets as is every place where Jews congregate.

  7. “They showed us their strength, might, hatred and ruthlessness when they destroyed every cinder block in the SHULS left in GUSH KATIF.”

    Hate, yes. Strength and might, no, as there was no one there to oppose them. Ruthlessness? I think killing people is a better barometer of ruthlessness than destroying buildings, and sadly, they’ve done a lot of that.

  8. The Arabs are just sticks in Hashem’s hands, so let’s try to figure out why He’s suddenly waving the sticks a bit closer, and what He’s trying to tell us about what we can do to protect ourselves from the His sticks.

  9. besides the shuls and yeshivot in gush katif, dont forget the (supposedly oldest shul in the world) in djerba (whose walls were from the bayit rishon) and istanbul, which are “recent” as opposed to shuls all over europe, which were constantly attacked by arabs over the past thirty or so years. note: shuls in europe have armed guards, as opposed to shuls in the states. unfortunately, security is almost non existent in shuls, and yeshivot in america, while the rest of the world has armed guards.

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