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Livni Has Her Day in Knesset

The Knesset on Wednesday held a special session at the behest of the Kadima opposition party, during which party leader Tzipi Livni took the government and coalition to task, blaming them for widespread failure and leading to Israel being shunned by the international community.

Livni questioned why the prime minister remains silent as the foreign minister criticizes Israel Police, its chief, the attorney general and the law-enforcement community, insisting it is the prime minister’s place to defend those who protect us and enforce the law.

She cited the sharp increase in violence, attacks and threats against judges, and most of all; she blames the administration for failing miserably during its first year regarding foreign policy and the international political community. Livni stated as a result of the government’s policies and actions, Israel has been ostracized by the global community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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