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Wednesday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

An Israeli sustained light injuries in rock-throwing attacks in Chevron on Wednesday afternoon. The victim is a bachur in Yeshivat Har Shalom in the S. Chevron Hills. He complained of difficulty breathing following the attack.

**Likud officials on Wednesday decided the central committee will convene on April 28th. The decision may be overruled by the party’s court.

**Rock-throwing attacks against Israeli vehicles on the Gush Etzion-Chevron Road near el-Aroub on Wednesday afternoon.

**Ze’ev Ben-Aryeh, a Foreign Ministry employee and the former Belarus ambassador suspected of passing classified documents to FM Lieberman to assist him in investigations against him has been suspended indefinitely.

**Marking one year since elections, the Knesset on Wednesday held a special session at the behest of Kadima, leading to a parade of attacks against the coalition’s performance during its first year.

**Border police apprehended an Arab male who was throwing rocks in the Kalandia area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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