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World oldest Holocaust survivor dies at age 107

Irma Stahler, Australia’s oldest Jew & who was also believed to be the oldest Holocaust survivor in the world, passed away at the age of 107 in Sydney’s east last Friday evening. Her family had been with her just hours earlier. She had only moved into a retirement home last year, after spending more than half a century living with her daughter and son-in-law.

6 Responses

  1. Let the Neshoma of the niftar go straightto the Kesay Hakavod and ask Rachmonus formuf all down here.

    The real tragedy will be …whenthe youngest survior passes on …Then who will tell our children?

  2. Boruch Dayin Emes. Leave me be I hope that Moshicah will be here by the time that the youngest survior time has come to be in another world.

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