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After 14 Years Of Success, Link Kollel In La Turns To A Broader Constituency To Take It To The Next Level



In the summer of 2002, Rabbi Asher Brander and Rabbi Eli Stern wanted to create a special Kollel in Los Angeles that would combine serious learning with a real sustained dedication to Outreach to those who were never privileged to taste Yiddishkeit and Talmud Torah. So was launched the Los Angeles Intercommunity Kollel (LINK) in the Westwood (near UCLA) section of LA.

Without exaggeration, thousands of students (and many beautiful weddings) laters, LINK has succeeded beyond imagination in transforming lives.

Under the tutelage of their Rosh Kollel, Rav Mordechai Lebhar (a world-class Talmid Chacham), our incredibly dedicated, sophisticated, beloved and underpaid avreichim are incredible. They have published five seforim, are regularly tested in their rigorous learning and teach in the community at least two hours a day.

In its new location in  the heart of the Pico-Robertson Orthodox community of LA, the Kollel impacts hundreds of lives DAILY with its warm, open and serious environment. The passion, depth and sophistication of the Avreichim has impacted thousands of different types of Jews – reflecting the diverse population that LINK serves: Ashkenazim and Sefardim, from teenagers to octogenarians, and from newly-minted Baalei Teshuva to  yeshiva graduates laboring to reconnect with their learning while now in the work world.

LINK has developed a post high school yeshiva for young men in college, a women’s seminary for baalei teshuva in college or working world,  a vibrant early morning beis medrash, a special Sunday morning beis medrash, a midos for marriage series, an incredibly vibrant night beis medrash.

It’s 9 daily minyanim, over 50 weekly classes, dozens of weekly chavrusos overflowing Beis Medrash 18 hours a day, college outreach, special women’s programming and children’s activities need chizuk! LINK’s million dollar+ budget needs YOUR support

LINK  is also seeking to purchase a new, expanded home to widen it’s sphere of influence. With your help, LINK can further its goal to have adequate, comfortable space for all its minyanim, shiurim, chavrusos, women’s programming, children’s activities and college-outreach.

To this end, LINK is holding a one day “crowd-funding” campaign through the web platform known as Charidy from 8pm Pacific time Dec. 26 to 8pm Dec. 27 to raise $360,000.

Thanks to several very generous donors, if LINK raises $90,000 in that 24 hour period, they will give LINK $270,000to get it to a grand total of $360,000 – all or nothing! Just imagine – how much more Torah LINK can teach , how many more classes can be offered, how many more Jews can be impacted  daily – with our expanded facilities. With your help and continued Siyatta D’Shmaya, LINK can do it! Please click on this link – to make your donation now.


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