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Flatbush: Over 1500 Attend Major Asifa For Bais Yaakov Mothers and Students

04Two major events were recently held for our community Bais Yaakov mothers and students, that will have a lasting impact on all.

Organized by our coalition of Bais Yaakov principals, and under the guidance of Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim, an incredible Kiddush Shem Shomayim took place. The message of the events were “Raising the Level of Kedusha for All Bnos Yisroel”.

Hundreds of mothers gathered to listen to Rebbetzin Rina Tarshish, an inspirational speaker and principal at Mesoras Rochel Seminary in Yerushalayim, who expounded on the challenge of technology in today’s generation. This was followed by practical suggestions given by Mrs. Faige Zelcer, founder of Penimi, who composed a well regarded school curriculum on technology.

The following day this message was delivered at an historic Asifa. Rebbetzin Tarshish, along with Rabbi Yissocher Frand, addressed over 1500 eleventh and twelfth grade high school students from area Bais Yaakov schools. The event was simultaneously streamed live to dozens of Bais Yaakov schools around the country and Canada. The Asifa made a powerful impression on the students.

Rebbetzin Tarshish discussed the importance of Mesorah, and when it comes to technology, we, too, are a generation without a Mesorah. Our mothers and grandmothers did not grow up with cell phones; they did not provide us with guidance as to how to limit the perfidious influence that threatens to overwhelm and overshadow all the good that we do.

We have no nisayon to turn on a light on Shabbos, continued Rebbetzin Tarshish. We are Makpid on particular Hechshreim for Kashrus, going the extra mile without complaining. Yet when it comes to cell phones, we look for the easy way out. Reasons for having internet can range from school to shopping convenience to ease of communication with the office. This is despite the deleterious effect that excessive cellphone use, even filtered, has on every member of the family. Rebbetzin Tarshish concluded with a plea to the girls to take the difficult route, since they are the legion tasked with creating a Mesorah for future generations.

Mrs. Zelcer discussed the findings that even secular scientists have discovered about the negative effects of excessive texting, WhatsApp, and other social media. Young adults are not learning how to conduct face to face conversations; true empathy is non-existent. This overdose of communication results in an insatiable fear of being “left out”, commonly known today as “FoMo”. Incessant picture texting has led to the public sharing of all aspects of life, from shopping to vacations to engagements and the list goes on ad infinitum. Girls are deluged with information that they do not want and do not need, and feel tremendous social pressure to join the WhatsApp and text groups to share their lives as well. The resultant lack of privacy, explained Mrs. Zelcer is affecting our newly married couples too, who cannot help but compare themselves to this virtual ideal.

Rabbi Frand held the massive audience at the edge of their seats as he described the pitfalls of unlimited cell phone use and their effects on our society. He bemoaned the lack of sustained attention in our adolescents and adults, who surreptitiously look at their cellphones an average of 6 times an hour, and discussed the concept of mesiras nefesh,

Rabbi Frand concluded by setting up foundational commitments that he asked of his audience of Bais Yaakov girls. He strongly suggested never to go to sleep with the phone in your room, he appealed to anyone who does not have a smart phone, not to get one, and to use the phones just for calls not social media.

The cumulative impact of the impassioned pleas from these major speakers, who were flown in for this specific purpose, was immeasurable. The students were encouraged to translate their inspiration into deeds and make immediate long-term commitments to limit their cell phone use. Many approached their principals made commitments on the spot.

This historic Asifa was termed the start of a revolution. The tide is now beginning to turn, against the proliferation of smart phones, WhatsApp, texting etc. Bais Yaakov students, along with their parents, are committed to bring back privacy, peace of mind and sanctity into our homes.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. This is truly a huge kiddush Hashem!

    Now we need asifas to address another major issue in the Klal- an issue that is so big that it makes everyone so uncomfortable to talk about. Because chas vashalom we might have to make a huge sacrifice in an area that most don’t want to change in.

    It’s time to address an issue that is affecting the core of the Jewish family, the shalom bayis between couples, the foundation of our pple- the current tznius level, particularly in the area of kisui rosh.

    If someone even says a word about sheitels, there is such a back lash- which just shows how important this topic is. The sheitels have become the avoda zora of this generation – with personal names on every brand of wig, salons all over, thousands spent on them, discussed by women at every event, the main prize at every chinese auction, written about in every frum publication- the wig has become an obsession in our frum world.

    And frum women can now look like every movie star with perfect hair every day! the same wigs that are sold to frum women for “modesty” are being sold to models and actresses in Hollywood! But if one says a word against the wigs, he is mocked and derided! Even though so many huge Gedolim have screamed about the pritzus of the sheitels!

    So maybe now we can start addressing this major issue and help bring back the kedusha of our klal- and Jewish women can actually return to looking like modest married orthodox women!

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