Authorities Prevent Mispalalim from Visiting Kever of Boruch Goldstein

Authorities on motzei shabbos prevented mispalalim from reaching the Kiryat Arba kever of Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who on Purim in 1994 opened fire in the Ma’arat HaMachpelah, murdering 29 Arabs. The doctor, an American born local area resident, was killed by the mob when his weapon jammed.

Security officials on motzei shabbos did not permit visitors to congregate around his kever to mark his yahrzeit, announcing the kever will remain closed off during Purim. It should be pointed out the soldiers were compelled to deploy around the kever during shabbos, with commanders ignoring the regulation prohibiting IDF activities on shabbos that are not related to pikuach nefesh.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. So as usual, a Jew who saved other Jews from a repeat of the Hebron Massacre, which the Arabs had been planning, is not allowed to have mourners on his yarthzeit.

    But an Arab terrorist can have benches and supporters at his grave site, all they want anytime they want with any number of followers.

    Also consider this, if this were the grave of the
    guy who was recently executed for having murdered the police officer who’s execution everyone was trying to prevent, and the grae site were in Israel, would the Israeli government prevent people from comming on ‘his’ yartzheit?

    I think, not.

  2. Baruch Goldstien’s act of terrorism was no different from anything committed by Hamas, or any other terrorist organization. Only the names were changed.
    Just because we all agree with nhis motivation does not mean we have to stoop to outright murder.

  3. #2, it was entirely different. It was a provoked reaction and that makes a huge difference. I suppose you think an abused person lashing out against the abuser is the same thing as being the abuser. Well, the law and psychologists disagree… most cases.

  4. I agree with Moose613 100%. Making a shrine to this guy (and such shrines are illegal there) is just wrong, as are pilgrimages. Have we become as heartless as those people who dance when terrorists kill our fellow Jews?

  5. It is far from the ‘same thing” and what Goldstein is no more terrorism then a cop shooting a gangster to stop ‘him’ from committing more murders.

    It is not terrorism to kill terrorists who are about to slaughter more Jews while they hide their weapons in the mosque just as they did in Iraq and other places.

  6. This whole “terrorism” rap against Goldstein is a fraud, perpetrated by the secular liberals in the Government, who are now busy setting up the massacre of the Jews on the West Bank, R”L.

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