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2800 families, Residents Of Park Yizrael In Afula – Are Living Without A Mikvah!!!

1“It is certainly an unparalleled mitzvah”. This unusual and powerful statement was written in a recent letter of Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, that was written to assist in the building of a mikvah for the large community that was built in the northern section of Afula, Israel that already has approximately 2800 families.

It is well known that the main organization involved in the building as well as repairing mikvaot in Israel is Hamercaz Haartzi Lmaan Taharat Hamishpacha, THE ISRAEL CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR FAMILY PURITY ; working in conjunction with Israel’s Ministry of Religious Affairs as well as the local municipalities. This organization has been in existence for over seventy five years, even before the establishment of the state and has already built 979 mikvaot in almost every city and community in Israel.

The community is pleading: Having to travel on lonely roads at night is dangerous. Having no mikvah available on Shabbos and Yom Tov is a serious problem.

With a small contribution from the municipality of Afula and the Israel Ministry and $200,000 from the residents of Israel, which we have raised; we are still missing $50,000 in order to start construction.

Two of the leading rabbanim of our generation, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and Rav Aharon Leib Steinman shlita both have given substantial donations towards the building of this mikvah in Afula, and are encouraging others to recognize the importance of this endeavor.

In order not to delay the construction, we are dividing this important task between 278 families who will donate at least $180, and through these donations we hope to be able to complete this important project as soon as possible.

Please join us in saving the purity of families in the holy land. The opportunity is holy and great and the merit is unfathomable.

All donations to Hamercaz Haartzi Lmaan Taharas Hamishpacha, are tax deductible both in Israel as well as in America. The number for recognition in America is 13-3244347.



To view a map of the neighborhood “Yizrael Park”, as well as the location where the Center for Family Purity, Hamercaz Hartzi Lemaan Taharas Hamishpacha will build the mikvah, click here.

2 Responses

  1. A simple search reveals that there is a Mikve on Rechov Koresh, a 2 minute drive from this neighbourhood. There are an additional 3 Mikvaos in Afula all within a 10 minute drive of this neighbourhood. It is not clear how you can suggest that these families are “living without a Mikve”

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