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Lakewood: Shidduch group meeting

chuppah.jpgThere is a new shiduch group meeting taking place this Motzei Shabbos at the home of Dudi Birnbaum at 6 East 14th Street in Lakewood. (This meeting is for men only.) A small melave malka will be served. Please prepare a list before coming. There is no charge for attending, this is chessed only. If you can not attend you can fax your names with information to 732-961-0666. Tizku Limitzvos!!

12 Responses

  1. Perhaps this website can have a section reserved for Shidduch posts, with email addresses, that people can respond to. This would really increase the popularity of this website and perform a sorely needed function.

  2. there isa website called that is endorsed by many rabbonim….it allows for “shadchanim” ( not nec. real shadchanim) to post profiles with the permission of the “clients” along with their email address so that they can be contacted… tmimus – check it out….
    it can;t hurt for yw to follow the idea of tmimus and have some sort of shidduch section as well…we all have to do our part to help eleviate the situation…keep pp in mind and DON’T BE BASHFUL TO CALL AND RED IT.
    99% percent of pp will greatly appreciate you thinking of them even if nothing becomes of it!

  3. There was a very succesful (Mens Only) Shidduch Meeting held in Arzei Habirah a few weeks back with some American Avreichim who learn in the Mir…… Everyone Should Keep Up The Great Work!

  4. I never knew that guys would do this. Very interesting. Anyhow, I think it’s very nice and you should be matzliach! By the way when the women do this, they give general information and do not mention names or show pictures. If someone thinks someone is shayach, then the two people speak privately and exchange names. Its important to do this in the right way otherwise you may embarrass someone.

  5. really mirboy? I find that very inspiring! Im glad that these avreichem were able to get their act together and form such a meeting and get past the stigma of “I never knew guys would do this” (malkyt) …

  6. Great to hear people are out there helping. I am a single guy in Yerushalayim. Is anyone of the Mir group out there that I can contact? Is it shayich at all to be in touch with folks in Lakewood even though I am in Eretz Yisrael?

    all help appreciated.

    thanks, Shmuel

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