The familiar brown thick paper yarmulkes distributed at the Kosel for visitors who require one are a thing of the past, a collector’s item perhaps. After decades of serving the public, they have been replaced after the Kosel Foundation received a generous donation, of 1 million cloth yarmulkes manufactured in China. The cloth yarmulkes arrived in Israel earlier this week and they have already taken up position in the box at the entrance to the Holy Site.
The yarmulkes were donated by Michael Mirylishvili in memory of his father Moshe z”l.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
Oy another thing manufactured in China. Imagine getting a 100,000 Chinese to become geirim tzedek. And then getting them to write mezuzos, tefilin, torah seforim, make tzitzis. Bake matzos by hand using flour mishas ketziroh. While saying lesheim mitzva. And singing Hallelu es Hashem. The mind boggles with the economic possibilities. And these Chinese geirim would be accepted by everybody since they won’t be voting in the treife medina elections. Wow, I’m drooling. Good thing it’s Adar.
Having religous articles made in China is nothing new. Yarlmukas are definitely NOT shamous so that is not a problem.
As an aside, I have a Siddur Torah Or that was printed in China. I still use it to daven.
#1 thats the most absurd thing i have ever heard.