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Former President Carter apologizes to Jews

carter.jpgFormer US President Jimmy Carter has apologized to a US Jewish audience over a passage in his controversial book ‘Peace Not Apartheid.’ “Asked if he was justifying terrorism in a passage in the book calling on Palestinians to cease terrorist attacks if the Israelis agree to abide by international law, Carter said, ‘That sentence was worded in a completely improper and stupid way. I apologize to everyone here. Throughout the rest of the book I call on all Palestinians and Israelis to terminate violence against civilians.’ He promised subsequent editions would be changed,” the Jewish Week said in a report.

The publication added that “the former naval officer’s steady demeanor, clear message of support for Israel’s legitimacy and for a peaceful two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict won him the audience’s good will, at the very least.”

During his speech, Carter was quoted by the Jewish Week as saying: “Israel will never find peace until it is willing to withdraw from its neighbor’s land and give Palestinians their full rights.”

The former US president refused a debate with Alan Dershowitz, who spoke after Carter left the hall. “He makes it sound so simple. You just give back the land, and peace will follow. Tell that to the residents of Sderot!” Dershowitz said.

8 Responses

  1. Don’t forget, he’s a liberal politician. His entire hashkafa centers around the nebuch victims which in his warped mind is the palestinians. Whatever he says now to placate us is the poLItician in him coming out.

  2. I dont call this an ‘apology to Jews’ he says’ I apologize to everyone here….’ He doesnt even Mention the word Jew….he was just beating around the bush .

  3. Quote from the top peanut: “That sentence was worded in a completely improper and stupid way. I apologize to everyone here. Throughout the rest of the book I call on all Palestinians and Israelis to terminate violence against civilians”

    I guess that the Peanut farmer didn’t know that it is the filthy palestinians that target civilians – not the Israelis. If we were to play word/phase association and I said bomber on a civilian bus – everybody would respond palestinian. If I said pinpoint assination of terrorist leader – everybody would respond Israeli. Peanut brain carter and those of his ilk do not differentiate between the unprovoked attack on the civilian and the response on the organizer of the attack.

    It is clear that he does not apologize and what he wrote he meant! he is a liar and a disgusting person.

  4. Mr carter believes that the sentence was worded improperly and stupidly. Mr Carter your entire presidency was conducted improperly and surely in a stupid manner.

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