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Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/26/07

The Skulener BM in Lakewood will be moving to a new location in Lakewood this Shabbos. The Skulener Rebbe Shlita’s son will be spending Shabbos in Lakewood Likovid the Chanukas Habayis. On Motzei Shabbos there will be a Melava Malka Bihishtatfus the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Shlita, Raboney Ha’ir and the Skulener Rebbe Shlita will be speaking live via hook-up.

Rav Yosef Gartenhouse Shlita, Magid Shiur in Yeshivas Veyolipole in Flatbush is making a Bar Mitzvah this Shabbos in Lakewod at the Nadvorna Hall.

Rav Dov Green Shlita RAM in Yeshiva Birchas Chaim is making a Kiddush on Shabbos upon the birth of a daughter.

Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita the Lakewood Mashgiach is spending Shabbos in Gatsehed Likovid the Oif Roif of his grandson.

This Shabbos will be the Oif Roif for the son of Rav Yeruchim Shain Shlita R”Y of Yeshivas Ohr Hatalmud of Adelphia NJ. The Oif Roif is taking place in Adelphia Yeshiva and the Chasunah will I”H be taking place next week in Toronto.

The daughter of Rav Zev Cohen Shlita the Morah D’asrah of K’hal Adas Yeshurim in Chicago became a Choson to the son of Rav Shepsel Neuberger Shlita of Baltimore.

This morning was the Pidyon Haben of an Einikle of Rav Ezriel Cement Shlita Rosh Kollel of Telz Yeshiva Chicago. The Pidyon Haben took place in the Yeshiva.

This Shabbos, Hamisivta of Bensonhurst will be having a Shabbos Hisvados in Highland Park in the Catskill mountains.

This Shabbos will be the Shabbos Sheva Brachos for the son of Rav Anshel Hellman Shlita a Mashgiach of Yeshiva Telsh Cleveland who got to married two night ago in Monsey.

Rav Yosef Chaim Notis Shlita Ram in Stamford Yeshiva will be making a Shalom Zachor this Shabbos at 112 Forest Avenue.

This Shabbos will be the Shalom Zachor and Bris of an Einikle of Rav Herschel Kanarick Shlita Menahel of Peekskill Yeshiva taking place in Yeshiva of South Fallsburg at the home of his son-in-law.

Rav Noach Issac Olbaum Shlita Morah D’asrah of K’hal Nachlas Yitzchok in Queens will be giving a Shiur this Motzei Shabbos at the Yeshiva of Long Beach.

Rav Reubenfeld Shlita of Deal Yeshiva has traveled to Melbourne Austrailia to be Michazek the Yeshiva Yesodey Hatorah.

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