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Wyoming plane crash: Chesed Shel Emmes

DSC_0052.jpgThree young Israelis ages 22-25 died tragically in an airplane crash above the hills of Wyoming. The single-engine Piper disappeared from radar Wednesday night. (more photos in YW Photo Album.)

The plane’s wreckage was found Friday near Browns Peak, an 11,700-foot mountain about 30 miles west of Laramie.
The three were on route form California to Nebraska.
The bodies had to be removed via snowmobiles as access was severely limited due to heavy snowstorms. The family contacted Rabbi Isaac Leider of the Chesed Shel Emes  Organization for assistance with getting the Niftarim released from the coroner’s office and expediting the arrangements for final transport to Israel for burial.
Rabbi Leider contacted the Coroner, Tom Furgeson, and explained the religious need for speedy and proper Jewish burial. The Coroner made a valiant effort by working all day Sunday to ensure same day release.
However there was one more roadblock. The only flight to JFK Airport allowing Niftarim was scheduled to leave Tuesday the earliest. 
Rabbi Isaac Leider was determined at all costs not to delay burial any further. As a result Rabbi Leider vigorously worked the phones to arrange a private plane sponsored by a few key individuals who were greatly moved by the tragedy. They saw the need for the family to have closure through proper Kever Yisroel (burial) of their loved ones.
The Niftarim arrived 2:30am at Teterboro Airport  and were taken to Shomer Hachomos Chapel for Tahara. The final flight to Israel will leave from El AL tonight at JFK Airport.

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