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Ynet News: Shocking display in Italian church

An exhibition of anti-Semitic paintings is on display at a church in Umbrian city of Orvieto in Italy. One of the paintings displayed at the San Francesco Church portrays a Jewish woman baking sufganiyot (Hanukkah doughnuts) out of communion wafers.

“The church is filled with paintings portraying the Jews as bloodthirsty people desecrating the Christian religion,”the Roman Association of Friends of Israel said in a letter to Pope Benedict XVI.

Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican, Oded Ben-Hur, met over the weekend with Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and expressed his shock over the exhibition.


2 Responses

  1. why the suprise and shock ? is this not the perception of the world.this story is not news. its just another regular day .the world does not like jews…..

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