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Biolitztosky’s Chutzpah: Publishes Newspaper With His Version of Events

Tzvi Biolitztosky, the man who compelled dayanim to appear before a civil court due to his displeasure with the outcome with the ruling rendered by the beis din of Maran Rav Nissim Karelitz Shlita, has published his own newspaper, Shomrei Emes, thousands of copies, which he uses as a vehicle to disseminate his version of the events. The newspaper hit the streets on Thursday night in major chareidi neighborhoods.

He details his perception of events, disputing the p’sak din, and interestingly, Biolitztosky refers to himself as ‘rav’ in the newspaper.

Biolitztosky speaks of the current events as “unhappy times”, not pleasant or jubilant times, speaking of a man who must rise in the morning and realize the injustice rendered against him and the financial losses he endured, and continues to endure daily.

He does not question the authority of a beis din, or if his matter should be adjudicated in a beis din, but questions if dayanim are responsible for their decisions and actions, for the monetary loss their decision compels, taking care to point out that not in the realm of the judgment, but damage caused by dayanim unrelated to the din torah.

One example given is the apartment that passed through his hands to complete the dwelling but the beis din signed it over to a third party, a party that did not even agree to arbitration.

He questions if a man who holds the title dayan, av beis din, rosh av beis din, av rosh beis din or rav bnei yisrael in golus is above criticism, immune from being summoned to a din torah, immune from dealing with the facts. Is one who summons such a person to a din torah referred to as making a chilul Hashem?

The newspaper continues for pages, exhibiting photos and documents, continuing to question the rights of the rabbonim as well as his right, to legitimately question and seek accountability.

Last motzei shabbos, some 2,000 Bnei Brak residents took part in a protest outside Tzvi Biolitztosky’s home after Maran Rav Shteinman Shlita instructed them to do so.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. I know of a simmular case where a guy sent Dayanim a Hazmana and they said they are Dayanim they dont have to go so he had no choice but to threaten with Arkoas after that he all of a suden started to get some responce from them. alot of Dayanim and Rabanim think theyare above the laws of Shulchan Aruch.i dont know if thats the case here but it shure sounds like it.

  2. comments #3 and #5 would seem to have some point. especially comment #3 is giving us a comprehensive, if unfortunate, breakdown of what seems to be going on in many “botei din”. especially in Eretz Yisroel, the dayonim and botei din have set up a system of “sh’mor li v’eshmor l’choh”, which makes it an absolute impossibility to have ANY accountability whatsoever! Even in cases of blatant error or worse, no other beis din or dayon will ever agree to help. it’s a totally corrupt system. I, like the others, have absolutely no idea of the facts in this particular case. it would seem though, that in general, there are definitely cases where the chilul Hashem is NOT in contradicting the “beis din”, rather the chilul Hashem IS the “beis din” which is no more than a means of USING the Tora to force corrupt hotzo’as momon. hoshivoh shofteinu k’vorishonoh…

  3. after reading many comments on many reports in YWN,[incl. this one], i think this site should be called “yeshiva( or yeshvishe) reports ballabatim comment”. vihameivin yavin!!

  4. #5

    Learn English it is impossible to understang you
    Where do you live? where I live 3:15 was an nour and 40 monutes before the Zman I envy you for havind time then to read the news and comment

  5. Can YWN use the local time of the posters?

    I sure hope 7 & 8 were posting from Europe or Eretz Yisroel

    #6 Where do you live? you had nothing better to do so close to Knisas Hashobbos or were you posting from California?

  6. Why is it that in america you can chasuva rosh yeshivas and big yeshivas that don’t listen to a chasuva bes dins and we don’t see such out crys this yid in erets yisrol as how to be somech on

  7. This is not related to the topic,but commenting on your comment,# 10& # 11-
    Learn English it is impossible to understang you
    Where do you live? where I live 3:15 was an nour and 40 monutes before the Zman I envy you for havind time then to read the news and comment

    Comment by 208.2346 — January 30, 2010 @ 8:08 pm

    Before you criticize others about their “English”,you could learn some yourself!
    It does seem that nowadays many rabbonim pasken without having enough facts or broad knowledge needed to figure out solutions
    The times are based on EST (NYC times,so no one posted on Shabbos,and the posters are not all in USA,but many are in E”Y.
    1:32 PM in NYC was 8:32 PM,Motzoei Shabbos in E”Y.

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