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Convenience Stores Continue Operating in Gas Stations on Shabbos

It appears that calls to close convenience stores operating in gas stations in Yerushalayim on shabbos have fallen on deaf ears; as the stores do intend to remain open this shabbos as well. The head of the Vaad L’maan Shabbos Rabbi Yosef Rosenfeld met on Thursday with heads of the Yellow chain, which operates such stores, seeking to convey the seriousness of their actions in the eyes of the shomer shabbos community.

R’ Rosenfeld is quoted as telling the HaMevaser that the operators of the stores exhibited a determination to operate the stores on shabbos, presently unwilling to entertain requests to close their doors for the holy day. He explained “they insist the items they sell are essential, as if this justifies their operation on shabbos”, the rav explains.

The rav stated that he and other vaad members will review what was said at the meeting, hoping to convene this coming week, at which time they will most likely formulate a plan of action. The rav is especially disturbed by the fact that the folks at Yellow have some stores operating on shabbos inside chareidi neighborhoods.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I still don’t understand why the issue is only with the stores. Are they still buying gas being that the stations are open on Shabbos?

  2. Does anyone know gas stations open on Shabbos (including the store being open) inside chareidi neighborhoods?

    The ones at the city entrance (between Givat Shaul and the Central Bus Station) are closed on Shabbos. Officially, at least. I once saw an employee there, on Shabbos, and a motorcyle coming in, and the guy on the motorcycle was indeed allow to refuel and paid and continued his way. This was at ‘Sonol’, the one closest to the knisa la’ir.

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