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Report: Chacham Ovadia Losing his Hearing

Despite his advanced years, Maran Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita continues a hectic schedule, one that includes an in-depth weekly shiur, writing, meetings and much more.

According to a report appearing in Yisrael HaYom, the rav is suffering deterioration in his hearing, and in the past two weeks, the situation declined dramatically. The report quotes “sources close to the Rav” reporting that doctors wanted to perform a surgical procedure but due to his age and general medical condition, they decided not to perform the operation, at least for now.

For now, hearing adjuncts are being used to assist the rav’s deteriorating condition. As a result of the Rav’s condition, most meetings with the Rav have been canceled. It appears those consulting with him must now make certain that he hears and understands correctly, the report concludes.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. #1, it IS a chaval. But maybe there’s some comfort to be taken in the famous story of the equanimity with which the Chofetz Chaim dealt with his hearing loss: no one would yell lashon hara to be sure he heard it.

  2. #3 – to me, there is nothing weird about what #1 wrote. It’s very normal for a 90-year old person to have some problems with his hearing. No big surprise there.

    I don’t see how that is speaking in ‘a pathetic manner’ about Gedolim.

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