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Belgium: Rabbinical Organization Concerned Over Full-Body Scanners

fbs1.jpgThe Rabbinical Centre of Europe expressed concern about the installation and implementation of full-body scanners in European airports following the botched 25 December attack on a Northwest Airlines flight bound for Detroit from Amsterdam.

“The implementation of full body scans leaves us concerned. In line with child protection agencies in America we feel this violates the rights of religious women whose modesty would be compromised,” the Brussels-based RCE, which is a body representing several hundreds rabbis across Europe, said Wednesday.

“While appreciating the concern of passenger safety we would recommend that men are scanned by men, and women by women, akin to body frisk,” Asher Gold, the RCE’s spokesperson, told EJP.

European governments on Tuesday defended plans to fast-track new body scanners into airports despite complaints that the machines invade privacy and amount to virtual strip searching.

With security experts to meet Thursday, the EU was split over whether to use the devices even as the botched attack on the US airliner raised fears that hard-to-detect bomb-making materials could be smuggled onto planes.

(Source: EJP)

12 Responses

  1. Im sorry but the Rabbis should not get involved here, it created chillul hashem, that the Jews have a problem with everything

  2. The scanners do not change the form of the body. Yu can very easily see private body forms in males and females. I must agree with The Rabbinical Centre of Europe.

  3. I am sure there are many non Jews (both religious and secular) who are also uncomfortable being scanned by members of the opposite sex. This is an important issue of privacy and can be accommodated without compromising security.

  4. Mr Must Hock
    I am sorry to say that we are a nation that fully agrees with what the Rabbis are doing. Besides for that, if the Rabbis feel that this is a case of posible “giluy ararus”, they may outlaw plane travel. We also expect to see you on our boat trips. I think you missed the boat! The other alternitive will be to have private flights. Do you think these things are better for us. The airlines will lose costumers and the Goyim will make fun of us even more. By the way, I imagine that there are also Goyishe groups that also speak out against these things too. Jews are not in the headlines because of their frum compliants. The good Goyim respect us for our noble ideas.

  5. Mr Tryingtobeeirlich,
    I personally feel that this security is a must. Those of us that find it unpleasant have the option of not travelling. I expect to eliminate air travel that is not absolutely necesary.
    As for respect from good goyim; I would hate to see headlines after the next air fiasco if scans have been eliminated or clouded because of jewish concerns.

  6. And what about religious men whose modesty would be compromised?

    Next thing will be to ban oing to the doctor.

    V’nishmartem M’od L’nafshosechem – Be extremely protective of your lives – this is a d’oreisa that overrides just about everything.

  7. #9, Very well said, but Pshat in this posuk is exactly the opposite. The Torah is telling us to protect “nafshoisechem” our neshamos. So you can’t compromise on this, even without the Rabbonim saying anything. Just like you wouldn’t get on a plane if there was any chance of it being blown up, you can’t get on that plane if it means that you will have an unclean thought for even one second because of the search they want to do. Yes, this d’oreisa overrides just about everything. Hashem Yerachem.

  8. I agree completely with “cbdd” (#8).According to published reports, the original plan specifies that women will view women and men will view men. However, present methods will not detect liquids inside of plastic, which was what the bomber was carrying. I think that Pikuach Nefesh should definitely apply here. If we agitate for these methods and succeed, and people die as a result, their blood will be on our hands.

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