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Newark Airport Security Guard Reassigned After Breach

tsa2.jpgA security officer assigned to the part of Newark Liberty International Airport where a breach occurred has been reassigned.

Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman Ann Davis said Monday that the unidentified officer has been reassigned to non-screening functions during the investigation.

Airline passengers still found themselves getting nowhere fast at the airport on Monday. Flights remained behind schedule after Sunday night’s security breach that shutdown Terminal C.

It’s been described Monday as a “total absence of order.” Thousands of air travelers found themselves crammed into the Terminal C public waiting area.

On Monday, Transportation Security Administration officials say the unidentified man who caused the scare by getting past a standard security screening is no where to be found. The incident forced a total evacuation and was followed by a rescreening of every single traveler.


3 Responses

  1. obviously he was no where to be found by Mon morning nor 1 to 2hrs later. he must be hiding somewhere really well. If security personell would’ve been strict with their work this should and would never have happened. unfortunately I should be travelling overseas in a couple weeks and have strong thoughts to call it off for scare of not trusting airport security.

  2. If he was the officer in charge of the exit area, he should be shown the exit area as well… the one IN FRONT of the terminal. Reassignment is not good enough.

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