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Members Of Knesset Are Ignoring MK Zoabi

zoabiMK Hanin Zoabi may still be in Knesset, but there are few listening to her words. When she got up in Knesset to address her colleagues on Monday, 5 Tammuz, her colleagues boycotted her, following the lead of MK (Machane Tzioni) Eitan Cabel. A few did remain from Cabel’s party and the extreme left-wing Meretz party.

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to probe the reality of ousting her from Knesset, Cabel called for a boycott. Zoabi’s rhetoric has finally distanced most MKs, in no small part due to her outspoken support of Hamas and labeling IDF personnel murderers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Right. The corrupt Israeli government views the Ettinger family as a greater threat to the State of Israel.

  2. Israel is very proud of the fact that it is the only country in the Middle East in which the opposition lives in the country and not in exile, and while that isn’t entirely true, having Zoabi in the Kenesset is great propaganda for the medinah at a time when Europe is being overrun by Arab refugees.

    R. Kahane and those inspired by him are considered to be traitors by the mainstream of the zionist movement (unlike Zoabi who is quite willing to be an Israeli citizen, even if she wants to change the name of the country). In all fairness, the “Kahana-ists” have much more of a chance of coming to policy than the secular Palestinians.

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