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Chabad auctioning Chazak Aliya on eBay

Click HERE to view the eBay listing for the Chazak Aliya for Sefer Beraishis in 770. [“Bais Moshiach”]

20 Responses

  1. To Mr. Hehreich:

    the $507 shipping is for the Kidush.

    Ebay quote:

    “beside the aliya you must pay for a kidush in 770 downstairs that kidush is $500.00 and takes place after davening is completed being charged as shipping “.

    Mr. Hehreich can you explaine the meaning of your log in name?

  2. hehreich!!!!! if you would’ve just read a few lines further you would’ve seen that the shipping chargecovers the cost of the kiddush you have to give which costs $500

  3. A shul in Teaneck did indeed sell its aliyas for the Tishrei yamim tovim via Ebay, but this does not look like a legitimate auction, and there is no guarantee the money will go to the right people. There are disputes among various people in the main 770 shul and this looks like the work of someone out to take advantage of the disputes.

  4. As a Lubavitcher Chossid i can definately assure you that it is not the Gaboim of 770 selling the Aliyah, for all the Aliyos are traditionally sold on Shabbos Bereishis.

  5. Yes you can give it to the rebbe directly…as long as you can get past the security which is by the tzion because of the death threats in the recent years….lol

  6. In the sellers payment instructions it says that it “must be fully paid for by thursday january 2007 3 pm”. JANUARY WHAT DATE? IN 2007

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