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R’ Yisroel Grossman suffers heart attack

Hagoen R’ Yisroel Grossman Shlita Rosh Yeshiva in Pinsk Karlin just suffered a heart attack. Please be Mispallel for Yisroel ben Fraidil Shifra. His son is R’ Yitzchok Dovid Grossman Shlita the Rosh Yeshava in Migdal Emek.

4 Responses

  1. Please keep us updated on how the Rosh Yeshiva is feeling. This Adom Gadol came to America back in the 60’s with R’ Shalom Schwadron ZT”L and that was when the legendary relationship started with the Krohn family and these 2 Gedolim.

  2. i had the zechus to visit this adam gadol 2 years ago and get a bracha
    he is one of the tzadikim of yerushalym
    they say that when he would visit the chazon ish ztl upon leaving ,the chazon ish would walk him a few blocks

    may he have a refuah shleimah!

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