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Litzman Calling for a Separation Between Males & Females in Psychiatric Hospitals

litzman2.jpgDeputy Minister of Health R’ Yaakov Litzman, who maintains ministerial authority, is calling to keep male and female psychiatric patients apart in state institutions, referring to juveniles, not adults.

While such an arrangement exists in Jerusalem’s Kfar Shaul for the past four years, other facilities do not separate between minor males and females. He feels such a move will facilitate persuading those in need of hospitalization from the frum community to come to terms with such a reality, adding in the future, he hopes the separation will become a reality among adults as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. My impression has been that ths issue was forcing this separation on all psychiatric hospitals – not just one or two. It would be forced even on those in Tel Aviv.

    This is complete nonsense, garbage, and Mr Litzman should shut up and get back to his business. This is a medical affair and it should be handled by physicians. If they want this separation, they will arrange it. If not, Litzman should stay out of it and get back to arranging kosher food in all hospitals. Doesn’t he have anything REAL to do?

    How about the fact that Israel has almost no MRI scanners? Has he solved THAT issue yet? In all Jerusalem, for example, there is just ONE hospital with MRI (Hassah Ein Kerem). Even Shaare Zedek doesn’t have MRI, let alone Hadassah Har HaTzofim and Bikur Cholim!

    In Western Europe, as well as, I think, in the US, all hospitals have MRI nowadays. Israel is one of the most backward countries regarding medical equipment. We have plenty of good personnel, great and smart physicians, nurses and other staff, but the equipment is lacking, as are hospitals (why are there no hospitals in Beit Shemesh, Modi’in, Ashdod).

    Mr Litzman should start doing some REAL work instead of turning the health care system into a forced ‘Mehadrin’ one, or sane people like me will flee from this country full of religious coercion with which I am completely fed up.

  2. Mr. Breslauer please take it easy. MRI’s are important for sure but that doesn’t take away from the importance of there being separate facilities for men and women. May you never know of having to be or visit someone in such a place but if you would perhaps you might understand. Tzniyus is a number one priority in Yiddishkeit.

  3. BS”D

    Anyone who understands the type of patient who is under treatment in these facilities knows why male and female patients must be kept separate. While R’ Litzman is far from perfect and has done nothing much of value especially compared to the last Torah–true Minister of Health (R’ Nissim Dahan of Shas), he is right on this issue.

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