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Rabbi Called in Interpret for Oketz IDF-Trained Police Dog

bsd.jpgMilky, a former member of the IDF’s Oketz Unit, which trains and operates dogs capable of sniffing out explosives and much more, is now serving as a member of the Helena Montana Police Department, the Jerusalem Post reports.

It appears that Milky may be in need of a ulpan to learn English, since he was trained in Hebrew. The police received the transliterated codes, the commands that handlers taught Milky, but they were not too successful.

Local Rabbi Chaim Bruk was called in to assist the law-enforcement officials, breaking the language barrier, permitting them to communicate with Milky.

The rabbi is working with Sergeant John Fosket, and reports progress during recent weeks has been significant, although Fosket is still having difficulty pronouncing the “chet”, the “ch” sound.

The rabbi reports that as the team progressed, a direct result of his Hebrew lessons, they were invited for a presidential visit by the US Secret Service.

The report quotes a former Oketz trainer, who explains Milky is not the only IDF veteran working in the USA, explaining the Oketz training is regarded as the only of its kind in the world. He adds that US marines come to Israel to train with the dogs, taking part in a five-month program, part of the special relationship that exists between Israel and the United States.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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