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Housing Ministry To Get Tough On Security For Har HaZeisim

mo1.jpgThe Housing Ministry will be working with Israel Police to provide a badly-needed increase in security for Har HaZeisim area and the Old City of the capital.

The move comes in response to mounting lobbying and pressure from chareidi lawmakers, responding to increasingly frequent attacks in Har HaZeisim, in which kevarim have been vandalized.

In addition to the vandal attacks, Jews making their way to and from Har HaZeisim too often are targets for Arabs throwing stones at their vehicles.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. And how long will it take before there will actual BE any security? Like, 6 months? Come on…. is anyone going to rely on the HOUSING ministry to get things arranged quickly?!

    For the Knesset they have enough guards, but for Har HaZeisim – who cares. Welcome to the wonderful Zionist State of Israel!

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