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Netanyahu Will Order the Removal of Yishuvim

Meeting with Likud party lawmakers, party leader Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told his colleagues that he does not plan to dismantle yishuvim. He added that there are those who state otherwise, those who also believe government policy will lead to Likud’s demise, but stressed that in actuality; quite the contrary is true, explaining he is working towards a stronger Likud.

Netanyahu went on to explain that the current administration is leading the nation during a most difficult time period, and regarding the 10-month construction freeze, he emphasized this was a one-time occurrence and it is not indicative of the government’s position. The prime minister explained the decision of the cabinet does indeed carry with it consequences, but the decision is time limited.

Meeting with Likud MK Ofir Akonis, Mr. Netanyahu explained there are some ramifications of the cabinet decision that can be lessened but in some results of the decision, which are quite difficult, are what they are and there is nothing to be done. Akonis called for pushing ahead with the construction of public buildings, primarily structures that will serve as schools and daycare centers, pointing out the critical shortage that exists prior to the cabinet’s decree. Akonis stressed the need to do whatever possible to ensure the lives of residents of Yehuda and Shomron continue as they were prior to the decision, warning the prime minister that he must maintain party unity, to learn from past mistakes and not to repeat them.

He reminded Netanyahu that toppling a right-wing government in the past led to the Oslo Agreement, as well as Camp David II, both supporting calls for an Israeli retreat and a return to the pre-June 1967 boundaries.

Netanyahu concluded by telling party officials he plans to hold onto communities whenever possible, confirming the need to make concessions down the road.

He called for maintaining party unity despite differences of opinion, stressing this is of paramount importance, continuing to point out residents of yishuvim are indeed the modern-day pioneers, in the heart of the homeland, and we mustn’t permit them to appear as those who object to peace.

The bottom line is that he stated the future of communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron will be determined in final status talks, a roundabout way of saying there will be concessions and additional Jewish communities will be uprooted.

In a meeting of party cabinet ministers, the prime minister called for unity and released a statement to the leaders and residents of yishuvim to abide by the cabinet decision and to obey the law. He called on residents of yishuvim to exhibit “restraint” seeking to placate leaders by acknowledging the cabinet decision was indeed a difficult decree that impacts their communities.

In short, as in the past, Netanyahu has set the stage for future concessions, which translates to the eviction of additional Jewish communities towards accommodating American and PA (Palestinian Authority) requests, which to date have resulted in nothing short of increased terrorism.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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