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Former Likud Minister Gideon Saar Criticizes The Government, Calling For A Comprehensive Plan To Keep PA Illegals Out

1Former Likud Minister Gideon Saar in an interview with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) spoke out harshly against the government following the shooting attack in the Sarona Market Complex in Tel Aviv that claimed four lives.

He explained that once again the attack was carried out by PA (Palestinian Authority) residents inside Israel proper illegally and this is a trend, citing PA illegals have perpetrated many of the attacks since Rosh Hashanah.

He calls for a stern policy against the illegals, citing there are tens of thousands inside Israel daily. Saar feels punitive actions must be taken against those who employ the illegals as well and this would serve as a deterrence. He also feels the breaks in the barriers must be repaired for these areas serve as entry points into Green Line Israel on a daily basis. Saar stresses the lack of a comprehensive government plan regarding PA illegals entering Green Line Israel daily is a must if we hope to stop potential terrorists.

He explained in March there were signs of some actions but then the attacks subsided somewhat and we are back to doing less than is required.

He continued “At present, Lieberman is the Defense Minister of Israel. I do not have another country. I hope he will succeed.

Regarding the ongoing conflict between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, he feels Bennett is correct to attempt to bring additional essential content to the ministers.

When Saar took a break from politics he was at the height of popularity and some believed he could unseat PM Netanyahu. A recent poll taken shows a party led by Moshe Kahlon, Moshe Ya’alon and Saar would earn 25 seats while Likud would fall to the second place in Knesset with 21.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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