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Kol Koreh is getting Bnei Brak Gedolim into issue

Wednesday morning the center for fighting racism sent an urgent letter to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz following the story on Tuesday of the Gedolim of Bnei Brak’s Kol Koreh not to rent homes to Arabs. The letter stated that “Mazuz must order the police to open an investigation against Bnei Brak’s senior rabbis, who forbid leasing apartments to Arabs.”

The center claims that the Rabbonim’s announcement is against the law that prohibits racist inciting publicity, and expressed shock at the announcement published.

The letter, headed “Very urgent” said that “there is no doubt that these announcements are dangerous, racist and shameful. They also convey a message that encourages a hostile attitude and persecution and humiliation of Arab citizens. A lack of immediate and serious action against these rabbis will lead to the Arab citizens in Bnei Brak becoming easy targets for harassment and physical attack.”

At the end of the letter, the center’s members demanded, via attorney Ala Haider, that the attorney general immediately order the police to open an investigation against the rabbis.

“We demand they are prosecuted according to law and will not settle for apologies that have proven to be meaningless.”


3 Responses

  1. There should be no apologies. Would they “investigate” an imam for issuing a fatwa against renting to Jews?? Of course not! Well religious freedom should go both ways.

    Oh, I forgot, this is Medinat Yisrael.
    Never mind.

  2. you dont understand the pshat of the kol korei?! there are some very greedy people who own apartments in bnei brak that get offered higher prices from arabs and are willing to sell their conscience for money! they must be stopped as they are totally destroying a wonderful frum city all for money.

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