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Thursday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

A resident of the Shomron community of Talmon, a female, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a government agent as stop-construction orders were distributed.

**Rock-throwing attacks against Israeli motorists on the Azzoun Bypass Road near Karnei Shomron.

**Talmon residents blocked Civil Administration inspectors from entering in an effort to prevent the serving of stop-construction orders. Residents of Kedumim also met inspectors in an effort to prevent their entry into the community.

**Two bombs, weighing 5kg and 7kg, were found on an army patrol road near the Shomron community of Beit El. They were detonated without incident in a controlled blast.

**At least two border policemen were lightly injured in rock-throwing attacks in the Shuafat area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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