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Porush Met with Netanyahu and Barak

Deputy Minister of Education R’ Meir Porush met on Wednesday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to address the 10-month construction freeze throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Porush called on the prime minister to retract the decree, seeking to impress upon him the dire situation for many families, young couples who are in need of housing. Porush pressured the prime minister in the hope of persuading him to reverse his decision and to permit the continuation of construction in chareidi communities including Betar Illit and Modi’in Illit.

In his daily newspaper HaMevaser, Porush is asking anyone who feels they were victimized by the government decree to call 02-560-3992 to submit details.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Since when did the Yahadus Hatorah become synonomous with MAFDAL? Since when did charedim become tziyonim? Rav Shach was against building settelments.

  2. Why is being pro settlemet against being chareidi? I am chareidi and actually chasidish and I am very for the settlements ,after all its our land given to us by hashem,its about time we understand that zionizm as we once knew it is dead, its all about protecting our land and our families , and none of that is against anything we believe in, even going to the army if its in a frum enviroment like nachal chareidi,should be a must, my grandfather faught in the hungarian army and married late cause of that , now if he did that to protect the hungarians shouldn’t we do it to protect us jews?? Do we have a right not to go? If someone is serious about learning he should be learning but the rest should protect the country like the rest of israeli citizen

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