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Arab Media Reports Snag in Shalit Deal

Once again, it is imperative to remember that reports circulating around the world are based on Arab media in different countries, not on official statements from Israel or the Germany mediator involved in shuttle diplomacy talks towards closing a deal to bring Gilad Shalit home.

In the latest al-Arabia report, it states a snag has been encountered surrounding Hamas’ demand to release 50 hard core terrorists, which is being met with Israeli refusal.

The report adds that Hamas is seeking one of two dates for actualizing an agreement, 14 December, a date of significance connected to Hamas’ established throughout Yehuda and Shomron, or 27 December, marked as the start of Operation Cast Lead, which is referred to by Hamas in Gaza as the Gaza War. (IAF airstrikes began on 27 December).

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. It is highly unlikely that either of those dates have any meaning to the Arab world as they follow exclusively a lunar calendar unlike the western (Catholic) world who reference a solar calendar only, and certainly unlike the B’nei Yisroel who use both in remarkable harmony.

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