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Polish President lights Menorah

menorah.jpgJewish leaders and Polish President Lech Kaczynski lit Chanukah candles at the presidential palace on Monday as the country’s small but reviving Jewish community celebrated the Festival of Lights.

8 Responses

  1. Abi meleibt – I think it has to be in a straight line. Not a hill like that menora, but I’m not sure. Can someone please poskin?

  2. starkayid – don’t know what pea…. means. Abi meleibt -I think you should ask your Rabbi if you should get a new menorah next year. I realize it was just a picture, but I believe the halacha says is must be straight, not like a hill, or semi-circle or one back and forth like a zig zag. I might be wrong about the hill but I guess no one is answering because this is not on page one of news. H E L L O? – ANYBODY OUT THERE?

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