Hurry don’t miss out! Italy Tour with Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff and Rabbi Doniel Baron, tour dates: June 30-July 7 th – tour Venice, Padua, Florence, Siena, Rome and more!
This summer enjoy a custom designed Kosher L’Mehadrin luxury touring experience with Nesivos/ Jewish Legacy Tours; inspiring Torah lectures, luxury, beautiful dining, and fresh gourmet meals!
Enjoy an unforgettable summer as you take in the enchanting beauty and rich Jewish history of Italy; hear riveting and inspiring shiurim, and learn about the innovation and brilliance of the Italy’s talmidei chachamim and their legacy. You’ll experience Venice’s magnificent ancient shuls, the world’s first Ghetto, and take in the awesome sites and spectacular architecture of St. Mark’s square and the Rialto bridge. Take a boat ride on the Adriatic to the historic islands of Murano and Burano. Visit one of Italy’s oldest shuls in Padua and the Ramchal’s home, and daven at the kever of Maharam MiPadua. Experience the rich Jewish history of Florence with its magnificent shul and museum. Travel to the famous renaissance city of Siena and walk through its impressive Piazza del Campo and Gaia Fountain. Wake-up to a breathtaking view of the Tuscany’s wine region. Learn about Rome’s ancient ruins and famous sites and Jewish history.
Ask about our other Summer Tours 2016!
Tour to Poland & Lithuania with Rav Yissocher Frand and Rabbi Menachem Nissel, July 27- August 4 th / Tour to Prague, Pressburg, Budapest & Hungarian shtetlach with Rabbi Fischel Schachter, August 17-24th .
Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tour for more details: US: 917-724- 2633 / Israel: 972-54- 654- 1991 / U.K. 44-203- 734-1193 / email: [email protected] / www.nesivos.com