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Petira Of Mother Of Lutzker & Stoliner Rebbes

candle96.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Faiga Shochet, the mother of the Lutzker & Stoliner Rebbes Shlita. Her son-in-law is Rav Yaakov Baruch Ledereich Shlita, the Rav of the Karlin-Stoliner Shul in Boro Park.

She was the only surviving child of Rav Yochanan Perlow ZY”A, the previous Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe from before the War.

The Levaya was in Yerushalyim and the Kevura in Tevria on Motzei Shabbos.

The Stoliner Rebbes son is scheduled to get married this coming Tuesday, and it is still unknown how much of the Chasunah the Rebbe will attend.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

8 Responses

  1. #4 NO! She lived in Brooklyn since the war until recently. For the past 10 years or so, she lived in Eretz Yirael. Now she’s in Teveria. She was very sickly for the past 25 years or so. She had a very, very hard life. Se witnessed her mother and oonly sibling die from having eaten poisonous berries while hiding out during the war. Her father, the Stoliner Rebbe begged them no to eat them but they succumbed due to extreme hunger. The Rebbe Zatza”l and she, his surviving child, the nifteres a”h, buried them literally by hand.
    May she be a melitzas Yosher for all of us and may her neshama be tzrura b’taror hachayim.

  2. Rebetzin Faygie Sochet despite her very difficult childhood was a dynamic, competent, talented, smart and wonderful person. She had a quick wit and was always five steps ahead of everyone else. I knew her over a span of almost forty-eight years.

    She founded and single handedly ran Bais Sara, a girls elementary school in Boro Park. She did everything from picking up children and taking them home to overseeing the lunch program and the curriculum. It was a school that was renown for its excellence during its time. It was the Stoliner Girls School.

    I was a guest in her home many many times and the warmth and leibedikite she exuberated will always remain in my heart. She was a real friend and will be missed by those who knew her and loved her.

    May she be a melitzas Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel and may her neshama be tzurua b’taror hachayim.

  3. reb Yochenche as he was effectionatly known was 1` of 4 rebbes from the same dynasty he lived in Lutzk WHICH IS TODAY UKRAINE in the volhynia province i believe the rebbes mother was born there I think the rebbe got 2 lutzk b/c his first wife was from olik which is near lutzk she should be a meiltz yosher!

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